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" argh! "

I instantly grabbed my injured wrist when another magic orb hit me. These stupid Paxley mages just won't stop chasing me!

" Lady Guinevere! Halt! The Lord Baroque wants us to get you home! " I heard one of them shouted and that only made me more desperate on escaping. I'm running away with the bullshit they put me into so no way I'm going back to that Castle!

I have been running for almost an hour and trust me when I tell you that my limbs feel like giving up.

" Why can't you'll just leave me alone! " I shouted and cast a magic ball in their direction but unfortunately they  manage to dodge.
" So annoying! " I exclaimed and use my thumping spell as I summon another energy orb and aim it to those Paxley mages.

Surprise was drawn on their faces seeing half of them get wipe out, not really expecting me to do that move. A mischievous smile etched my lips witnessing the chaos and horror I just did.

"Milady! Please..." I heard one of them plead, but I just resumed on my way and didn't look back.

Hours of running, and I literally couldn't feel my limbs anymore. I halt for a second and catch my breath. My rapid breathing didn't help with my situation because I literally felt my throat dry up faster. Please, God! I felt so hot and thirsty. 

"Someone please save me from this predicament."

"Are you that Baroque lady causing chaos in the market earlier?" 

My heart almost jump out my chest hearing a man's voice from unknown.

"Who are you? Show yourself." I commanded, and the man actually did what I said.  My eyes were met with his blue orbs. A tall, rawboned, chestnut-brown haired was suddenly in front of me grinning like an idiot. I must be really wretched, after chasing and running away with the Paxley mages, fate suddenly decided to play a trick and made me meet this creep.

I just rolled my eyes at him and totally ignored his presence and that's when I get the chance to look around and realized that I somehow managed to escape from those mages.

"Ugh, this place looks positively dreadful." I said as I saw an old and not that cozy inn around the corner.

"Well... staying the night here isn't that bad." the man said once again and I couldn't help but roll me eyes once again. 

"I'd rather not. The thought of spending a night in this shabby place is enough to give me nightmares, especially when a man like you is just around gives me goosebumps." I answered. Well... at least I decided to open my mouth and response, for him not to call me rude.

"A man like me? What do you mean by that?" he asked with a creased on his forehead.

I scoffed, "I am surprised, really. How come no one told you that men like you who suddenly approach a lady like me and grinning from your ears makes you a creep." I responded with my brow arched.

And for the third time, I rolled my eyes at him as he smile with amusement written on his face.

"Well? I could conclude that the lady Baroque is quite judgmental to people she literally just met."

"I wouldn't if you weren't look like it." I said while plastering my sweetest smile at him, but to my surprise he only laugh.

I arched my brow and ask, "what's funny?"

"Nothing... I just find you amusing."

"Whatever, sir. I have a long way ahead. I'm afraid I have to bid my farewell." I responded and let out a deep breath.

I was about to take a step but to my surprise the man suddenly blocked my way.

I arched my brow and scoffed.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked as I narrowed my eyes, he's acting really suspicious.

"I know I am indeed... acting like a creep, but Milady, it is dangerous to wander at night, especially because rumors have spread that demons from the abyss were also wandering around."

Demons? from the abyss? How come I hadn't heard about it. Well... if that's the case, then... I might consider staying the night here.

"I know you didn't ask and probably don't care, but I have already paid a room. We could share, if you want."

I arched my brow and scoffed.

"Ugh, men like him are facile to read. He likes me, and that's for sure." I whispered to myself.

"Sounds lovely for sure, but no thank you." I declined.

"As you may know, I am from a noble family, and a Baroque do not need a helping hand for I am not a lady in distress." I stated as I fix my greasy, disheveled, filthy dress. 

"Are you certain, Milady? I wouldn't want you to find yourself in a bind." he replied. I scoffed and stared at him with my brow reaching the sky. Perhaps he's only concerned about my well-being but I feel offended.

"Are you implying that an aristocrat like me couldn't afford an accommodation for a night?" I swear, I really did try my best not to get offended but this man seriously gets in my nerves for no apparent reason.

I scoffed and let out an amused laugh when he raised one of his brows and pursed his lips together, acting so confuse. "I said that?" he asked totally confused but with a mocking smile etched on his lips.

"No, but that's what you inferred." I answered as I arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

My mouth literally dropped and my delicate features twisted with offense as he let out an ill-timed giggle in my earnest remark.

"Forgive my rudeness, Milady. It's just that... well, a woman of your stature, traveling alone at this hour, one can't help but wonder." 

"Wonder what, exactly?" 

"Whether perhaps you find yourself in a bit of a predicament. Maybe in your hurry to escape, you didn't have the chance to bring along your purse, your jewels, your... royal treasury, shall we say?" 

I stiffened for a second but immediately pull myself together. Well... what he's saying was true and I can not argue any longer.

"Well, if you insist. Where's your room?" I asked with my chin up.

"This way, Milady." he replied as he take the lead with a grin written on his face. 

"Don't you ever think that I've gone with you because I like being near you. Its just that I don't have a choice." 

"Alright, if you say so." 

"I am serious." I said sternly that made him halt and face me.

"No one said you're not." he spoke, still smiling idiotically.

I just rolled my eyes and walk pass through him. "Arrogant jerk." I whispered to myself.

I heard rapid footsteps behind me, probably he's trying to catch up with my phase. And when he was finally beside me, I didn't bother to throw him a gaze.

"By the way, my name's Gusion." he said.

"I am Guinevere." I replied.


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