London Here I Come!

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Its the next day, and my flight is today. I woke up at 10 this morning, took a shower, got dressed into my pewdiepie shirt and my sidemen crew neck jacket and some jean half shorts.
I had the same clothes pack from the last flight I was suppose to have yesterday. I had over two suitcases, filled with clothes and a toothbrush, my brush, makeup, anything important to bring really.
I said my goodbye's again to everyone. I moved out of my parents house when I was 19, it was exactly a year since I moved from my parents house today. I moved into a 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom apartment. I moved to be free, but I wasn't really I had to have high tech cameras in my house and buttons that I could press if an emergency, and every couple of days a little nurse comes by, she is about 15 and really nice but to worried and shy.
I got in the car, I left a little after 11 so I wouldn't be late, hopefully. "Luckily no traffic today" I said out loud to myself as I pulled up to the airport. I parked my car in the parking area, then asked myself why didn't i just let my parents drive me? Well, I guess I never thought about it. So I was walking into the the airport then all the sudden I tripped on my suitcase. I was so humiliated. Right in front of the front desk. Nobody helped me, I just got up on my own and said to the lady "I'm fine, thanks for asking". She just stared at me with a mean look, and I just walked away.
It was exactly 11:30. I'm so excited! Finally my dream is coming true. First is to London!
I went to the food court. I was so hungry, I didn't get to eat this morning, I was rushing to much to think about it. So I bought a hot dog, and a coke. It was so much it cost me $12 just for all of it, luckily I brought $1000 dollars, I have been saving for years just for this occasion. I went through some of there stores, then I saw something, I feel in love with the first second I saw it. A leather front and back cover, and gold tip pages, and it said "Travel In The Wind" I loved it! So I just ran in the store. I looked at how much it was is was. It was only $10 dollars I thought that was kind of cheap, so I bought it in a second.
It was now 11:52. I went and sat down. I went on my phone for a while, then I herd flight 203 boarding now. I got up and ran to the post where they told everyone to go. I was the first one there. I turned in my ticket, then got on the plane. I sat down very happily and energetic. The person next to me thought I was crazy or something. He said to me in a funny way "Your a happy camper aren't you" I answered back with a polite answer "Yes, yes I am!" He smiled and turned away and putting on his little head phones, he looked really funny in them. I started to laugh quietly.
I watched people come on the plane slowly. To me there it took forever to finally take off. But after and hour we finally took off. But I'm in the same emotion since the begging, Excited!
Nothing happened on the airplane except the guy next to me kept snoring the whole time, but I got at least some sleep. And finally I woke up at some point and looked out the window. And I saw little buildings, but it was kind of cloudy, but it was a great view of London.
When I got off the plane I went to collect my luggage from the luggage area. I walked for a very long time it felt like. I finally got to cab and told him the hotel address. He was a very nice man. I liked how he talked, but I mostly kept starring out the window watching the buildings pass by and I yelled out the window "HERE I COME LONDON!"

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