"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." Thor says rather loudly.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet." Ultron states tilting his head to the side.

"Yuh-huh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony asks sounding done with everything. Honestly mood though.

"I'm glad you asked, because i wanted to take the time to explain my evil plan." Ultron says before attacking Tony. I duck down as one of Ultron's drones fly down to us. I quickly grab my gun and shoot at the ones in front of me. I feel my self being picked up from behind, causing me to shout loudly. I reach my hand down and grab the arm that wrapped around me, making the person yelp, and i feel the hands let go of me. I turn around when i hear a thud, only to see one of klaue's men on the ground shaking. I look down at my hands and see some sort of electricity sparking through them. I quickly shake them in hope that it would go away, before quickly looking up. I turn around and shoot as many people or drones and my line of vison as i can. I look up to see Wanda being attacked by klaue's people, she was definitely holding her own. I go to turn around when i see two more guys coming up behind her with two very scary guns. Knowing i would regret just leaving her, i sigh and run as fast as i can, dodging all the bullets and fist coming at me and run to get to her.

"Watch out!" I shout to her making her lose focus on the men and look wide eyed to me. Hoping that whatever happened a little bit ago will pop back up, i fling my arms out and image stopping the men. I feel it before i see it. It felt like warmth, like... like power. The blue sparks spread out like vines and go to each of the bodies, even the incoming guys behind her, seemingly avoiding Wanda. It goes quiet for a minute, then all of the bodies fall down, just like the last guy. I let out the breathe i was holding in and lean against the wall closest to me.

"You okay?" I ask Wanda, who was looking at me in shock and confusion, which girl same.

"Why did you help me?" She asks me confused.

"Because i would have wanted someone to help me." I say while shrugging slightly. Why did i help her? She's is the enemy. Yet she's done nothing wrong to me.

"Thank you." She says questioningly. I nod before standing up straight.

"I'm Juliet, by the way." I say holding out my hand to her. She looks at my hand worriedly before looking down at the men at her feet. I follow her gaze before quickly looking up and shake my head. "Oh that, um i don't think it happens, unless i want it to happen. I honestly don't know even what it is. I mean i was attacked earlier and then it just sort of happen and." I stop myself and pull my hand away. "Can we just not talk about again. Please just don't mention it to anyone. Please." I ask her pleadly. She smiles softly and nods softly. I smile back to her and nod. "Thank you. Um I'm just gonna go, that way. Be careful out there." I say to her quickly before turning around and run the opposite way. I look behind me to see she had already disappeared. Looking around, i try to see where everyone is.

"Stay down kid" I hear Steve say to my right. I run to the ledge and look down to see blue eyes laying in a pile of stuff with Steve standing over him. Steve looks up at me and nods before running off somewhere else. I look back to blue eyes only to see him already gone. I hear noises to my left and turn to run down the hallway, as I'm turning i stop myself when i see more of klaue's men in fighting positions. My eyes go wide as they start to run at me. I back away slowly and go to pull out my gun when i feel a breeze and i see blue. Looking down at my hands, i see nothing, when i look back up the men are all on the ground groaning, confused i look behind me, nothing. I shake my head before walking back the directions i was going in before them, when i feel myself being lifted and carried. I close my eyes and grip onto whatever my hands find. I feel myself stop and open one eye slowly. I'm.....Outside? I feel myself being placed down and turn around quickly. Blue eyes?

"What are you doing!" I shout at him. I look around to see he had taken us not to far from the ship.

"You should stay out here." He says like it was obvious or something. I scoff and shake my head.

"I can handle myself, thank you very much." I say placing my hands on my hips. He nods and smirks.

"I never said you couldn't. I just would rather you stay out of the way." He says turning around. I run up to stand behind him and follow him back. He stops suddenly causing me to run into his back. He turns around making me take a step back.

"What are you doing?" He says shocked that i would even be behind him.

"I'm going back in. What does it look like I'm doing?" I say obviously. Like no sweetie, you cant not just expect me to listen to you.

"No, no you're not. You're gonna go over to that ship and leave." He says turning back away from me.

"My friends are in there, and if you really think I'm just gonna leave them behind, you're crazy." I say walking over beside him and walk forward. I feel him grab my arm and pull me back.

"Your friends will be fine, just a little out of it for awhile." He says keeping me from moving. Wait out of it?

"I'm going in to help my friends, weather you like it or not." I say pulling my arm out of his grip. He sighs before groaning in frustration. He glares at me once more before shaking his head and runs off quickly, causing my hair to blow in the wind. I scream in frustration before turning the way he went and run as fast i can back to help.

Alexithymia (Avengers : Age Of Ultron)Where stories live. Discover now