When they get home y/n sends the kids inside and she takes the trampoline to the back and begins to set it up herself. "Need help?" Adele joins y/n with a glass of wine in her hand. "I got it, I had to stop by the hardware store to buy some tools since we don't own any" y/n keeps her answer short and blunt. Adele chuckles and takes a seat by Y/n "this is how I cope y/n.", "not at 4pm the day you're supposed to drive me to the airport. Not mid-day when you're to take care of the kids, it's fine when you do it before bed" y/n keeps focused on getting the trampoline put together before she has to head to the airport and forgetting about the surprised Adele claimed to have. "Is it that bad you have to drink mid-day?" Y/n finally looks over at Adele. "Laura insisted" Adele doesn't look up at y/n she just pay with the grass "I'll call an Uber. I would call Melissa but she pregnant and... Melissa." Y/n explains. As she finally gets the bottom part of the trampled together. After a few minutes the boys join their moms outside and they run around and play on their swing set while y/n finishes up the their trampoline.

"All done" y/n says as she begins to pick up her tools and place them in the bag that come with her tools. "Come on baby, you can keep drinking inside. I'll call Simon and see if he's ok taking the kids for tonight" y/n tells Adele "so you're not mad at me for drinking?", "you're already drunk so there's no point in being mad... but I do have to go now. I already called an Uber" y/n and Adele head inside and they go to the island while y/n calls Simon.

Phone call
S- what a pleasure, y/n what's going on.
Y- im leaving here in a few minutes and I was wondering if you weren't too busy to come and watch the kids. Adele decided to day drink and they kids are outside... just come over and keep an eye on the kids and make sure Adele doesn't drink too much.
S- yeah I'll be over there in a few minutes... where are you going?
Y- I just need a break, I'm giving Adele some quiet time and getting my own. You know... since you have the kids this weekend.
S- oh about that, you don't mind I take them the whole week? Both of the boys?
Y- Oh sure. Just make sure you get them to school and you feed them, why do you want them the whole week?
S- Im having some family over and I think it's appropriate they see both of them.
Y- ok have fun, and if you need any more clothes grab it while you're here.
S- thank you y/n. And thank you for taking my shit during the divorce.
Y- Simon I'm not getting involved. That's something between you and Adele, subtract me from that.
Phone call ends

Y/n goes upstairs to grab her carry on bag and some other things before going to say bye to the kids. "You promise you'll be back mommy?" Angelo looks at y/n with the most heartbroken eyes. The eyes identical to Adele's. Y/n sticks her pinky out once again and promises Angelo "I'm always coming back" y/n hugs him. Eliot runs to y/n and gives her a big hug and kiss "presents?" He whispers in y/n's ears "yeah, always" y/n says. She didn't grow up with everything Eliot has so when Eliot, and now Angelo, asks for anything she buys it. "Keep jumping, daddy will be here later. You two are going to his house for the week ok? You're coming back next weekend.", "really?! That's so cool! Will you still visit us?" Eliot jumps up and down in the trampoline. "You have to ask him if I can when he comes over later" y/n kisses Angelo's forehead and she heads back inside. "Bye mommy! I love you!" Angelo yells. Y/n blows a kiss at them and walks into the kitchen where Adele is opening her second bottle of wine. "You weren't kidding when you said you were a bottle type of girl." Y/n slaps Adele's ass and hugs her. "You have to admit I'm fun when im drunk" Adele turns in y/n's arms and hands her the bottle. "No.. the kids are going with Simon for the week and I'll be back Monday. I ordered groceries for you and a lot of those  hung over remedies you use" y/n kisses Adele and smiles at her. "Why is he taking the kids the whole week?" Adele furrows her brows. "Simon asked, I said it was ok. We need the quiet" y/n responds. Adele smiles and kisses y/n again "my Ubers here. Simon will be over soon, he's staying a while and taking the kids."  Y/n says, Adele kisses her one last time before letting her go.

'Calm before the storm'/ An Adele story Where stories live. Discover now