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Wazzup. Thanks for all the reviews :D. On to the FINAL chapter of Promise. Promise! XD.
Home. Finally. Home.

Sonic was relieved that it was all over. Knuckles went back to guarding the Master Emerald, and him and Tails were silently eating their supper. It had been a long day.

"Tails-" He paused, "I-I'm sorry." Sonic merely said, lowering his head. Staring at the lasagna on his plate. A long pause roamed.

"Sonic, you shouldn't be sorry. You wasted 2 hours of your life on a train just to help me!" Tails had a point, but if it weren't for Sonic being stupid and not paying attention, none of this would've happened. He just hurt Tails. Tails would be better off without him. "Tails, I get it but.. I got you hurt. I was stupid, and I didn't pay attention to the building. You shouldn't of pushed me. I deserved it. I was being dumb,"


"Sonic.. it was just reflex. I couldn't let you get hurt! I had to."

"Tails, you didn't have to. It was my punishment."

"Sonic, no it wasn't!"
"Listen, Tails. The longer I'm here, the more hurt you get. It's better off if I just leave."

LEAVE?!? But, he promised. He PROMISED that we'd always be together! No, Sonic The Hedgehog never breaks a promise. Right? Tails thought, he never a broke a promise. He never did. Don't worry. Right?
"Wait, but you promised!"

But, did have to break a promise just this once? Would he-

His thought got cut off by his charge,

"Sonic The Hedgehog never..."  He paused, his blue, sapphire eyes gleamed. They were wet. He was on the verge of tears. "-Breaks a promise. Right? You-you, SAID SO! YOU PROMISED!" He couldn't hold it back, salty, fat teardrops fell down his muzzle. He ran to his room, and slammed the door, it all happened so quickly. It took time for Sonic to register what just happened. And once he did, it was clear to see. Sonic The Hedgehog never breaks a promise.
No. No. He wouldn't- he couldn't...

Sonic would never. Would he? Would he leave? Would he leave, then forget he ever existed? Would he be known as the Two-Tailed freak who got abandoned twice now? Would he?

Suddenly, he heard a light knock on the door. He knew who it was.

"What do you want..."

"Tails... I-"


"Sonic The Hedgehog never, ever, breaks a promise."

Wait... that means...

"S-Sonic... you-you're... STAYING!" He jumped from his nook in the bed, and ran to open the door. He jumped into Sonics open arms. He buried his face into Sonic's chest fur. Sonic was staying. He shouldn't have doubted in the first place. You know why?


Sonic The Hedgehog never breaks,

A promise.
And, it ends! I am sorry that all the chapters were so short tho- I will be writing more so don't worry. And, I hope you enjoyed!

Because we all know,

Sonic never breaks a promise.

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