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BOOK: modification

COMPLETED: complete

AUTHOR: emilythehorcrux

SUMMARY: Things will be different for Estela this year at Hogwarts. Having seen the catastrophic future that lies ahead, Albus Dumbledore has given her a task. Foreseen to be a monster, Estela must change a certain student named Tom Riddle. He's arrogant, manipulative, independent and powerful, and Estela is at a loss of how she should approach the situation, but soon realises that they're not so different after all. Secrets will be revealed as she attempts to reconstruct the future Dark Lord's fate.

READ: yes

RATING: 7/10

SNIPPET: Could I really let her die? He asked himself as his eyes locked with hers. The most alarming realisation that annoyed him down to the very core was the sudden and unsure answer: he didn't know. One part of him could absolutely let her die. But the other part despaired at the mere thought of her dying.

NOTES: this book was good from what i remember. i read it in freshman year, so my memory is fuzzy. however, it was good enough to get me back in my tom phase so.

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