chapter 1: odd jobs

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The morning sun of los Santos was raised above the city, especially in a small trailer park, particularly in one trailer home to the one and only, Trevor Philips: arms dealer and psychopath, as he laid on his couch asleep holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand while snoring

"Trevor, you in there?" A voice asked, followed by knocking, Trevor woke up and fell off the couch

"Ah f$&k!" Trevor sweared as he hit the floor he got up and opened the door to see Ron, his accountant for his syndicate

"Ron, the hell is it?" Trevor asked a bit irritated

"Ok so, you know that deal we had with that gang, that wanted a supply of AKs?" Ron asked

"Yeah, what about it?" Trevor asked

"Well, they called me last night and the leader sounded pissed that he hasn't had any info on how well we're doing, he even killed one of his members as a reminder that if we don't have those delivered to them, they'll pump us full of lead." Ron said nervous

"Oh sh&t! ok call him back, and ask him where we'll meet him." Trevor said

"I asked him last night, he said to meet him in the harbor a quarter after 10." Ron explained

"Ok, here's what we're gonna do, we'll give them the stuff, they'll give us the money and we walk out without something f&#king us up." Trevor explained

Ron soon left leaving Trevor to his own devices, he walked over to his fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer to drink, meanwhile in hell blitz was in his office on the phone with a potential client

"Ok, hold on, you want us to do what now?" Blitz asked

"I want you to kill my old gang, that son of a b$#ch boss of mine killed me for no reason than to threaten some dealer." The client responded

"First off, we're assassins, not freedom fighters, plus we don't even know where this deal's at, sh*thead." Blitz said

"The deal's at los Santos harbor at ten or so, try going on top of the crane and snipe his ass!" The client responded

"Well, whatever you say, it's a deal!" Blitz responded back as he slammed his phone on his desk, "God da$#it!"

He grabbed his megaphone and called out, "m&m grab the rifle, we're going to los Santos!"

Moxxie opened the door and asked, "los Santos?"

Millie popped in with a confused look on her face, "I think you los Angeles, boss."

"Nope, you heard wrong, los Santos!" Blitz said still with the megaphone

"Stfu!" Loona yelled back

"Bye loonie, see you after midnight!" Blitz called back as he opened the portal as Millie jumped in whooping excitedly as blitz punted moxxie in then jumped in also

both companies get ready for the deal at the harbor, unaware of the future ahead of them

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