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Y/ns pov

I anxiously awaited the arrival of my favourite cast in the whole world.

More specifically the cast of the umbrella academy.

Lix and beth were more excited than I've ever seen them before, they've only ever met them via video calls and shit .

" y/n!" Felix came running down the stairs . I turned to look at him " I've got the spare beds ready , cleaned up the rooms . Pulled out the sofa beds and got them some covers so they're as comfortable as possible when they get here"

" aww lix" I smiled giving him a hug " you didn't have to, but thanks for making my life 1000 times easier "

" mabye not 1000 times easier " Beth corrected " we only have two sofas, which have two beds in each "

" yeah?" I replied with a raised eyebrow

" and we only have two guest rooms which have two beds in one and one in the other . " she continued, ignoring me as she spoke " leaving one of them either on the floor, or in the sofa in your room "

" shit" I muttered

" I'm sure Aidan wouldn't mind sharing with you, right?" Asked felix

My stomach got butterflies just at the thought and I could almost feel my cheeks burning red.

No one knew about my crush on aidan Gallagher except from ritu, Who was my second cast bff .

" you ok?" Beth placed a hand on my shoulder

" better than ever " I replied sheepishly " and I'm sure he won't mind"

" ok " felix smiled " its settled then! Tom david robert and elliot on the sofa beds . Emmy and ritu in spare room number one and justin in spare room number two , that sound good to you guys?"

" yeah" I said

Suddenly my phone began ringing, a video call from ritu

I answered instantly

" hey girlie " she said happily

" hey ritu" I chuckled " what's up?"

" well, we are five minutes away from your house! and by we I mean your favourite cast members,  David,  me  , aidan , robert and justin . I'm not sure where the other clown car is right now, hopefully not lost. Tom is driving so, fingers crossed. " I laughed slightly " anyway, we will see you soon . Say bye everybody!"

" bye y/n!" They all said

" bye guys!" I waved at the camera then being hung up on

" why are they your favourite cast members?" Asked felix

" because " I replied " throughout the entire show ,it was those guys I did most of my filming with. Especially In season two. "

" oh yeah" Beth nodded " plus her being fives girl, Aidan and her gotta be close "

" mhm I agree " felix said smirking slightly

They nodded at one and other for a minute

" ok, you guys are weird,  I'm gonna go wait on the front porch"

I walked out front and leant against the wall awaiting their arrival

From the looks of it Aidan's hair has gotten pretty long since the last time we called each other. And david shouldn't be trusted driving a car.

I heard wheels reversing onto our driveway.  I stood up straight and looked over and watched as they parked up.

Aidan got out of the car and I ran over to him he immediately enveloped me In a hug and swung me around

" oh my god I've missed you" he said as he placed me on the ground"

I was still somehow shorter than him , hes 5'5 I'm....


" I've missed you to Gallagher " I smiled

" god " Robert fake threw up as he got out of the car " what kind of romance movie scene was that!?" We both went red " and, where is my hug !"

I hugged the Irishman with a chuckle, he instantly returned it then I went around hugging everyone else until the next car came along and I greeted everyone in there then telling them about the sleeping plan.

Which they were all cool with thankfully.

" alright then!" Ritu said excitedly " show us your humble abode "

I smiled giddily and let them into the house letting them say hi to the twins before beginning to tour them around


I finnished showing them the house , the bedrooms , the pool, the kitchen , the bathrooms , the spare rooms and where they would be sleeping etc etc...

And shockingly, the first thing they wanna do is go swimming in the pool out back, which I wasnt complaining about, I re filled it yesterday specifically for them . Plus I got a new bikini I wanted to test out. 

Everyone and their mother new I self harmed when people kept sexually assaulting me , so having long sleeves was the only thing I could do to cover them up

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Everyone and their mother new I self harmed when people kept sexually assaulting me , so having long sleeves was the only thing I could do to cover them up.

I put on the bikini in my bedroom and grabbed a couple of towels when I heard the door open and Aidan walked in

" wow " he said looking me up and down, I blushed " you are, stunning "

" yeah?" I said sheepishly " not so bad yourself Gallagher, so, are you gonna go swimming to?"

" hell yeah, I'm just getting my trunks ." He explained

" oh shit, I'll leave you to get changed " i rushed out of my room and bumped into beth who was wearing clothes for an outing with a backpack and felix wearing something similar also carrying a backpack

" oh y/n" lix said " thank god you're here, our auntie has invited us to stay at hers for a couple days so you can take the cast to Disneyland for like two days and mabye go to Paris on the third"

" oh guys, you dont have to leave!" I exclaimed

" it's only for three days " Beth chuckled " were gonna miss you though bestie " she and felix gave me a quick group hug " but alas , we have must be on our way now  , auntie Kim will be waiting for us"

" ok" I sighed " you guys have a good time "

" will do"

They both ran out of the house , I walked through to the living room , david elliot and justin were all wearing blue trunks with different patterns,  emmy and ritu had pretty bikinis on tom and Robert had multi-coloured trunks on.  It made me feel very plain in my plain orange bikini .

Then suddenly incame aidan Gallagher,  and it felt like my entire world stopped for a second,  he was wearing pink trunks, my favourite colour on him personally and he had sunglasses on with his now long hair falling over his face perfectly .

It felt like I had a million butterflies swirling in my stomach.

I felt ritu's hand grab my shoulder and pull me into a corner

" ok" she said in a whispered tone " you have a crush on the guy, you wanna keep it a secret.  So dont make it so fucking obvious "

" sorry " I said sheepishly

" good" she replied " now. ARE WE GONNA GO SWIMMING OR WHAT!"

" YEAH!"

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