Thirty-Four: Whip-Smart

Start from the beginning

"Have you ever had sex with someone while they were on period?" She asked in a small whisper, feeling her chest rise and fall as he pulled down the neck of her shirt with his finger and his mouth brushed over her collar bones.

He shook his head, kissing down her sternum until her shirt couldn't stretch any further.

"Do you want to have sex?" He asked into the skin on her chest.

She felt her body adjust against his, her back arching slightly as she took a measured breath.

"I don't feel weird about it, Syl." The tips of his fingers left swirls of tingles as he brushed them in circles over her chest, "But it's alright if you do. We don't have to do anything."

"Well I'm really fucking horny right now." She whispered, receiving a quiet giggle from Fred.

He kissed her, grinning against her lips, "Let's fix that, then." 

She didn't know what to expect, but it was strange. It was uncomfortable at first, and she let out a tight moan as Fred dropped his head onto her shoulder, looking back at her as his breath caught in his throat.

"You alright?"

She nodded and swallowed, closing her eyes as he moved back and forth against her again. The ache in her abdomen eased and felt a sweet relief wash over her. Her grip around him tightened and her nails began to curl into his shoulder blades as she let her breathe release and turn into light moans.

"Should I put a charm on the room?" He whispered, his breath already heavy and steaming against her cheek. She nodded quickly, and she could hear him pick up his wand from the bedside table and mumble "cave inimicum".

"Test it," she said so quickly, he didn't hear her.


"Test it. I'm not taking any chances with the things I'm about to say from here on out."

He laughed out loud and cleared his throat, "Uh. Mum? Dad?"

"Don't call for your parents!" Sylvia hissed, widening her eyes at him, "That's who you want me to think of while you're literally inside of me?"

He guffawed and called out again, only much louder.

"Stop it!" She reached up to cover his mouth with her hand, and the two of them listened for any response, only met with the low creak of the house settling.

Fred licked against her palm and she recoiled her hand from his face, wiping it on his chest as he dipped down to kiss her, "Better?" He asked.

She nodded, wrapping her arms back around him, as he grinned devilishly at her, "So you'll take your chances with what you say from here on out now?"

"If you behave."

She liked feeling him smile when he kissed her, it was incredibly satisfying somehow.

"No promises."

He started again, and Sylvie pulled him to her chest, their chins resting on each other's shoulders. He kissed her neck, and said "fuck" when she crossed her legs around him so he was all the way inside her. He lifted his head to kiss her, but their breath kept coming out in laboured pants and the could only breathe into each other's open mouths.

Sylvia felt tears fall from the outer corner of her eyes when she came. She wiped them away and tried to hide her eyes with her forearm, but Fred noticed.

"Sorry," she laughed at herself, "I don't know why I'm crying."

"Is everything okay?" He asked, "You're not like, in pain, are you?"

She shook her head and smiled up at him, "God, no. It was great."

Fred raised his eyebrows, "So good that it made you cry?"

She laughed, feeling her cheeks burn. A slow smile grew on his face and he bit down on his lower lip smugly.

"Oh stop." Sylvia slapped his chest, "Don't think you're some sex god because of this."

He kissed her again, keeping his face close so their lips brushed against each other when he spoke, "I don't have to think anything. Didn't you tell me once that I was the only person who's made you finish?"

She didn't respond, but looked between his eyes, shrugging a shoulder off-handedly. "Maybe," she said, letting her hands inch up towards his face, her finger trailing over his mouth. He blinked, and his grin dropped slightly, his tongue pressed against the back of his teeth. "But no one's ever been able to make me finish twice in a row."

She smiled as she said it, unable to take herself seriously. And Fred smiled too, "Challenge accepted."

"Was it weird that we did that?" Sylvia asked him in the bathroom, their hair still wet from the shower.

"Why would it be weird?" Fred said with a mouthful of toothpaste.

She shrugged, running her fingertips up and down over her bare arm, "Do you think other couples are having period sex all the time?"

He spat in the sink and rinsed his mouth, "Mm. Maybe not all the time. Why do you care what other couples' sex lives are like?"

Sylvia felt her hand go up to tug at her bottom lip and she laughed self-consciously, "I don't know."

His hand found her waist and he pulled her over so she was standing in front of him, facing the mirror. He moved her hair to kiss her shoulder and reached his hand around her to brush his knuckles against her jaw. She wished he would undo her towel and touch her all over in front of the mirror, to show her what she looked like when she came.

She found his eyes in the mirror, letting out a long sigh, "Sometimes I think I'm too horny."

Fred snorted out a laugh and Sylvia grinned back at him.

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