A Full Moon

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Three months later...

Tsume's P.O.V

"That's no dog." I say just as one of the guys reach their hand towards the unconscious Arctic Wolf. Next thing I know two of the guys in my group are dead and the Arctic Wolf is moving for the youngest. I jump in front of him, and the Arctic Wolf stops. I pull out my knife and start running. The wolf follows me with a snarl.

Onyx's P.O.V.

This city looks familiar... I look around in human form. A grimy man whistles at me like he would a dog, so I imitate a gesture like I've seen other humans do many times, I stick out my middle finger at him as I walk. Ignoring his calling me a female dog, I laugh, and walk away. As I reach the outside of town, a familiar face sprints by me, followed by a flash of White. Seems you're always finding trouble... with that thought, I sprint after them.

Tsume's P.O.V.

Now what? I wait for the Arctic Wolf to show up. It does and soon we're fighting. Wolf vs Wolf. Another wolf comes into the mix and slams into the Arctic Wolf, sending him crashing a few yards away in a cloud of dust. As the dust clears, I see a Black Wolf standing in front of me, snarling, with her tail raised. My eyes widen as I see the familiar brand on the wolf's shoulder. Onyx. I turn human. "What are you doing here?" I ask. The Black wolf's ear pricks up and she turns her head towards me. 'Hello to you too.' she says before facing the Arctic Wolf again. Her right ear perks up, and soon, she raises her illusion. Her looks still get me. The youngest member of the group of humans I've been around for the past few months runs out as he yells loudly, to scare off the Arctic Wolf. The wolf leaves and Onyx turns towards me. "Long time no see Tsume." She speaks. "Same." I say. She flashes a smile before making her way off of the battleground. "Hey! Where the hell are you going?!" I yell after her. "Beg your pardon?" She asks. "You show up here, jump into a fight you really didn't need to, then you're just going to disappear again?" I ask. "Alright, 1. I didn't just show up mkay? I have reasons. 2. It may have just been me, but you didn't look like you were handling it, so being in the area, I jump in. 3. Who said I was going anywhere?" She asks with a smirk. "What are you doing here then? And for your information, I had it handled alright?" I say gritting my teeth. "Sure you did. Also I did say I have my reasons." She says. I narrow my eyes. What is she up to exactly? I run after her. By the time I track her down, it was night. I would've found her sooner but I had to dodge a few guards and that damn old guy with that Black dog. "Onyx." I say as I walk towards her. "Its a full moon tonight." She says not looking at me, but the sky. "Yea, what about it." I say. She laughs quietly. "Ah Tsume, you haven't changed. Still as grumpy as ever." She says. "I'm not grumpy!" I say defensively. This earns a louder laugh. "And so defensive too." She says. "So what if I am, what's it to you?" I spit out. "Just saying, nothing more." She says waving me off. I narrow my eyes. Women. I look towards the full moon.

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