A New Home

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Percy POV

I woke up in a hospital ward. A gold and white room with a bright blue electric hospital bed. My chest was heavily wrapped in bandages but I felt better about the previous day's events anyway, and my chest, where I had been mauled, felt like it had before my encounter with the gang of monsters. A query came to my head. Since when did monsters fight in groups and ambush people?

I was pulled out of my trail of thought by voices arguing about what was going on. I recognised that the voices belonged to Apollo and Lady Artemis.

Ar (Artemis)

Ap (Apollo)

Ar:"How long will he take to heal ? I have taken him under my wing and will look after him so I deserve to know how he is healing and when I can take him back to camp to be with his friends and family."

Ap: I don't know how long it will take for him to heal. The healing process started last night when you called me to tend to his wounds,but I agree you need to take him to camp so his friends will no longer be worried about where he was all night."

"NO" i said weakly."don't send me back there i won't return to camp. Things happened there that I can't bear to return to." "I'd rather die than go back there. Once I'm healed we can go our separate ways. I'll keep hunting monsters and you can do whatever you do in your spare time."

Ar: (sighs) "Percy I just rescued you from death and you want me to just leave me and find yourself on the brink of dying with no one to save you?" the goddess of the moon asked.

Ap: "Hey sis why don't you take him to the hunt? There he can learn to defend himself better, assist and protect the hunt."

Ar:I don't want a man in my hunt and besides, how will he protect us if he couldn't protect himself?

Ap: "d ya know he killed  784 monsters before being ambushed including 2 Lydian Drakon! Li'l sis he most definitely can protect the hunt.

And the next day artemis flashed me to her camp

I cringed when I opened my eyes because there were more than fifty immortal girls pointing their bows at me. I looked to my right and hoped to see lady Artemis there reassuring them I was a friend but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked forward and in the midst of the crowd I caught sight of her auburn hair and her beautiful silver eyes. Aaah what am I thinking she is the man hating goddess. I'd never stand a chance. As soon as I took a step forward arrows were launched at my feet and I was forced to retreat. I took out riptide and ventured forwards once more deflecting and slicing through the arrows sailing towards me

Once I reached the line my, no, Lady Artemis put her hand up signaling the hunters to stop shooting. They obeyed and placed their bows in their hairpin form. Then showed me around camp and finally to lady Artemis' tent where the beautif-no mistress of the hunt told me my jobs.

1.wash clothes

2.sharpen arrows

3. cook lunch

4.cook dinner

And she told me it doesn't need to be In that order.

So I went to the creek to start my work. 

the heart of OlympusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora