What You Feel

149 6 21

Hello my beautiful people! ❤

Do you remember about "Yes. Master" and all the hints at something happening between Rawoong in the past I left here and there? Well, if you don't, please go catch up! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/36567358)

If you do, this one is both for you and for them because I literally spent every minute of every breaks from work writing it during the last couple of weeks. It was supposed to be a one-shot to introduce what had happened in between the master and Hwanwoong before he recommends going there to Gunhak but... It ended up very long so I decided to split it in several parts (two or three that's the maximum) and to publish it as a gift to Hwanwoong and Youngjo's birthday since they are also close to each other! Happy Hwanwoong's day! Happy RAVN's day! ❤

Here as well you can witness my ultimate obsession for Reiki ASMR videos like these ones, I'll leave you the link so you can get an idea about the Master's room and general vibe of the session:

Also, I want to dedicate this work to D. and F. who were my supporters number one for this story and to my fellows K. and D. on Twitter for giving me a couple of very good ideas I used in the smut section. Please, enjoy ❤

Now I will leave you to it then, please let me know what you think about it! ❤


Hwanwoong sighed for what felt like the twenty-first time while looking at the blank Word's page of his laptop in front of him. He had decided to go spend the day in a café, hoping a quiet place would have helped him focus enough to keep working on his final university's assignment, or at least to start writing something about it in the first place. He had been trying so hard during the previous couple of weeks, but it had just been impossible to sit down properly and to get anything done in his own apartment.

Hwanwoong was more than happy to share his flat with his dearest friends Gunhak, Seoho and Keonhee, but the latter lately had been practicing his singing skills quite a bit too much for Hwanwoong's headaches while the former seemed to be so stressed and hard to talk to that the youngest had eventually stopped approaching him. Seoho on the other hand, seemed to be the only one Hwanwoong could spend some time with, but he had been ignoring every living being lately in order to spend his free time drawing cards on some brand-new Chinese videogame. Hwanwoong had never felt like asking people to stick with him since he was born, especially when he sensed they clearly didn't want to. Growing up as an only child had luckily given him the ability to be alone and to never feel lonely at the same time.

Hwanwoong sighed again, massaging his forehead using his thumb and index finger. He needed to hurry and finish that assignment. He didn't have much time. To lose time would have meant for him to lose the opportunity to graduate by the end of the year, and he would have lost his chance to get the scholarship he needed to afford his master's degree. He needed to hurry and become an economist like his father or a financial analyst like his mother. Hwanwoong had decided to dedicate himself to his family's legacy a long time ago because it was meant to be like that. He was just a little bit stressed, and he hadn't been sleeping that much lately, but he was fine. Hwanwoong was fine. Hwanwoong had to be.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but we're about to close..."

Hwanwoong felt someone's hand gently shaking his arm and that was the moment he realized he had fallen asleep on his table, his coffee was cold in the paper cup beside his head and a long random series of letters and numbers could be seen on his laptop's screen. "Oh God, I'm so sorry-" He immediately sat up straight and his hands bumped into his cup making all the coffee that was inside it spill on his laptop. "Shit, I'm so sorry..." He apologized again as he heard a subtle buzzing sound coming from the keyboard in front of him, seconds before his laptop's screen suddenly went black. "Oh..." He sighed, unable to even feel sad about losing the nothingness he had written on that device his parents had bought for him.

"Please, Master" | Rawoong +18Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora