"May the Seven shine upon all combatants." The first joust partners began to warm up, as Malkym paused and cursed, hurrying to find his uncle.

"I do not even have a horse." Malkym turned to glare at his uncle, who grinned and nodded to the horse next to him. "I should never have spoken. I should never have accepted this. Why did I come to this city instead of going to Essos? Father never would have known. He would have thought I was eaten by a boar or something."

"Come, you ride after these two." Malkym huffed, glaring at his feet as he vaulted onto the horse. The horse instantly seemed to know what to do, prancing and snorting in protest as Malkym kept him steady. Reaching for his shield, Malkym continued to glare as he grabbed his joust, before riding onto the field, grumbling under his breath as his uncle laughed. "Remember, ask for a favour! Present yourself to the king!"

His uncle was grinning widely. He was enjoying his nephew's pain, Malkym came to realise.

Malkym continued to grumble and groan before coming to a stop beside the older Baratheon rider that had just asked for Princess Rhaenys' favour, as a family member of hers. He stopped his horse, raising his helm and bowing at the king, as he tried to work out who to ask for a favour. The king nodded, and Malkym raised himself up, before setting his eyes on the princess, for she was the only one he knew on the balcony.

She was watching him from below her eyelashes, one eyebrow raised as she tried not to smirk. Her violet eyes flashed in the light, daring him to ask, and Malkym obliged.

"Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen," Malkym held his joust up as he bowed his head. "I wish to ask for your favour before going into this joust, Your Grace. Hopefully, your blessing will be with me."

Rhaenyra stood, trying not to giggle as she picked the crown of red roses from beside her, leaning over the parapet. She placed it over the tip of the joust, watching as it slid down to Malkym's hand.

"I wish you luck, Ser Malkym."

"I seem to need it." Malkym nodded, looking at his competitor before back at Rhaenyra. He leant forward conspiratorially, as she did the same. "If I win, will you promise to not burn me alive?"

"Well, that depends on whether you win." Rhaenyra grinned, as Malkym winked and wheeled his horse around to go back to the far corner. His horse snorted,  turning as Malkym chuckled and pulled his visor down.

"Come now. The princess is watching. I do not want to become burnt." Malkym whispered, before giving the horse a steady kick. Sweat beaded on his brow, dribbling past his eyes and nose, as he brought his joust down, aiming carefully for the opponent's shield. The horse's hooves pounded against the sand, echoing through his head as Malkym moved minutely to the side, before grunting as the joust slammed against the wood.

His joust shattered on impact, the feeling reverberating up his arm and across his shoulders as he hissed. The opponent's joust twisted around, as Malkym leant back in his saddle, watching as the stick brushed over his armour, but left him unscathed. Twisting, he turned to see the Baratheon knight fall off of his horse, cheering with the crowd at the thought of keeping his honour, and his family's honour.

It helped that he had not made a fool of himself in front of the princess.

Malkym threw his shattered stick away and grabbed his spare just in case the man was to get back up. But he was not to, falling onto his chest, as Malkym pulled his helm off and grinned once more, catching Rhaenyra's eyes. She was clapping, as Malkym cantered past, jumping down to collect his favour from the floor. He shook his hair out, bowing, before getting back onto his horse.

"Malkym!" Freezing, Malkym twisted to his uncle, following the man away from the sand as Rickard's eyebrows furrowed. "When I said ask for a favour, I did not mean from the princess."

Donna ────── R. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now