"And Be dressed in shoes and hats and Trousers~"

Ace continued his singing increasing in volume a bit gaining the Attention of Jack who heard him with his much better hearing. Jack stopped what he was doing and started to watch Ace to his little dance consisting of Twirls, Pirawets, and small leaps.

"In a World of my Own~"

Ace's voice once again increased in volume But didn't gain any ones attention but Jack who continued to watch as Sebek Tapped him on the shoulder and started to speak before Jack Covered his mouth and pointed to Ace who still hadn't noticed the people watching.

All the flowers~"

"Would have very extra special powers!~"

He gained Epel's attention as he danced past the Boy still singing and existing in his own World. Jack and Sebek Walked over and had a silent conversation with Epel before continuing to watch Ace; Epel joined in too.

"They would sit and Talk with me for hours~"

Now He had Gained Deuce's Attention as his volume increased. Deuce stared He knew Ace could sing as He had heard him before in the shower of their shared dorm but Deuce didn't think Ace could sing this well. After all, everyone sings better in the shower.

"When I'm lonely in the world of my own~"

Ace was now singing at a normal volume which sounded louder as it resonated through the cathedral-like Mirror chamber. It was now loud enough for Yuu to hear. Yuu looked at Ace who was doing a silly little dance as the other 4 watched him. Yuu walked up to them and joined in the observation of Ace as well smiling a slight bit.

I'd be New Birds~"

"Lot's of nice and Friendly Howdy-do Birds!~"

"Everyone would have a dozen blue


Ace sang in a lauder tone it wasn't quite a yell but not quite a normal volume.

"Within that world of my own~"

"I could listen to a babbling brook~"

Ace sang nearing the Magic mirror but still a bit away. The other five just had a swift fond smile on as they watched Ace.

"And hear a Song~ That I Could Understand~"

"I keep Wishing it could be that way~"

Ace stopped dancing about 5 meters in front of the Dark Mirror and started to open his eyes as he finished his song

"Because MY world would be~"

"A Wonder-LAAAAND~"

Ace finished holding the note for a few seconds. He opened his eyes and the others began to clap. Ace blushed as he looked at the other males.

"That was Great Ace!" Yuu Cheered.

"Indeed it was human!" Sebek yelled the others agreeing.

Ace Blushed playing with His magic pen that was in his hand "Well thanks I've never thought I sounded good..." Ace said while scratching his cheek.


"OKAY! You guys had your fun, but
you need to continue cleaning" Yuu said nonchalantly.

At this atatement, everyone groaned again and continued their work.




After a couple of minutes passed, Ace decided to look at the magic mirror. Though he was shocked to see ANOTHER rose!

Ace In Wonderland (Different Version)Where stories live. Discover now