"Looking back we were both trying to fill a good and I know I can't fill yours and you know you can't fill mine. We also didn't talk for most of last semester. We weren't ever going to be a yes." I finish.

"Yeah your right. I think we should break up." She says. I nod "Go get him, tell him he is your yes and will always be." She nods

"You too. Don't let Nini think that she is a no or a maybe because I know to you she is a yes and will always be." She says. "Thanks. Friends?" I ask. "Friends." She says and walks out the door.

It is over. I am actually happy, even tho we just broke up. I am glad she got me started because I know we were never going to be. Every thing I said was true and I realised that.

She was also right Nini will always be my one and only. Just like EJ will always be hers.

I walk to Nini's house and knock on her door. "Coming" she calls. When she opens up she is taken back. I would be too. " Hey, come in." She lets me in.

"We broke up." I say. "Aw Ricky. I am sorry. " she says and pulls me into a hug. "How are you feeling. Actually sorry that is a stupid question you just went through a break up." She says. I laugh. "Honestly. I am okay." I say. She pulls away and looks like she is shocked.

Which is explainable. "Dude you just broke up with your girlfriend and Denial is not only a river in Africa." She says. Gosh she can be funny. "Neens I am fine honestly." I say.

She doesn't look convinced. "Why did you guys break up?" She asks. Should I tell her? Yes. "Long or short story."I ask." No story. The reason she replies. " I think back.

" We were never going to be a yes, not even a maybe,we were always going to be a no" I admit. "He will always be her yes and not her maybe.I see the way her and EJ look at each other and I realized it is the look of love." I continue

"Looking back we were both trying to fill a good and I know I can't fill hers and she knows she can't fill mine. We also didn't talk for most of last semester. We weren't ever going to be a yes." I say. "Most important reason she was never going to be my always and I was never going to be hers." I finish.

"So what now?" She asks. "We decided to still be friends and go fight for our alwayses." I admit. Okay should I confess. Yeah I am going to confess.

"Your my always Neens."

"You have ways been and will forever be. I love you with everything in me. I love your voice because it sounds like an angel, which is a reason I always called you my angel."I start and the words just flow out. "I love your eyes and how I always get lost in them. I love your hugs because they are always warm and just what I need. I love your cute nose and your perfect lips." I say.

"I love how you run your hand through my curls and the sense of home it gives me. I love your adorable British accent you get when you are nervous. I love how kind you are to everyone even when they are cruel to you." I continue.

"I love your heart and how big it is. I love your welcoming and caring personality. I love your soft hair and how without fail you smell like vanialla everyday." I say.

"I love your way with words and how you write some of the most beautiful songs. I love how passionate you are about music and loving others." I continue.

"I love all the things about you that you hate which I don't understand because you are perfect. I love everything about you." I say finishing up.

"I am completely and utterly in love with you. When I think of my future, I don't see you in it. I see you. I want you to be the woman I marry and the mother to my kids." I finish.

She has tears flowing down her face yet she still manages to look gorgeous." I love you too. "She says and kisses me. I of course kiss back and I feel what I feel everytimeI kiss her. Fireworks and butterflies.

When we pull away we are both breathless. When we catch our breathes." Be my boy friend ? " she asks ." I can do better. Be my forever? "I ask. "Yes." she says and kisses me again.

General POV:

Across town a similar confession (but way less cheesy and a lot less words) was happening. Gina and EJ finally admitted to loving each other and that they would forever be their always.

Two weeks later we had our couples back. You can imagine how loud the group screamed, well more like Carlos but the others were equally excited. Portwell and Rini's shippers even through a party to celebrate.

They are actually going to be endgame . Gina and Ricky fought for there alwayses and now know that commutation is important in a relationship. If they had communicated in the first place they wouldn't be in the mess they were in.

But in the end they are are thank for that mess because it made them realize who their always was and not to settle for a no, maybe or even a yes.

They are glad that they had their loves back and you can bet your asses that they weren't going to let them go again.


Hey everyone

So this is my longest one shot in this book.

I hope you enjoyed it.

If you have any requests please let me know and I will do my best to write something that is about it or realted to it.

Also if you want seqeuals to any of my one shots please let me know.

If there are any topics you don't want me to talk about also let me know so I don't make you uncomfortable because I would never want to do that.

Remember to take care of yourselves. Drink water, sleep enough, eat and if you need someone to talk to I am here for you. You are all so amazing and I hope you never forget that.

I am absolutely obsessed with Would you love me now. Amazing as usual and be gets better every song. I have listened to it about 170 times since it came out and I think I have a problem 🤣.

Thank you for reading and commenting as well as voting it means so so much to me.

So something that interests me is what songs remind you of these people and why (I would really like them know your answers) :

Best Friend
crush (if you have one)

For me it is :

Mom - Walking on Sushine because she loves that song
Dad - Forever Young by Rod Stewart as it is our song (there are more)
Best Friend - A song I wrote about him
Crush - Doppelganger by kng Joshyy. Or a song I wrote about him.

Love you lots you incredible people. Stay safe and have a great day or night wherever you are.

2000 words

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