With Alchemist leading the way, the five of you made your way through the sea of cookies, heading to the middle of the most crowded area of the party.

Eventually, Alchemist started approaching two cookies, who seemed to be brothers. Everything about the two screamed 'affluent', they even seemed to have their own bodyguards. One of them had to be the one who organized the banquet.

Your suspicions were confirmed when Alchemist called out to one of them, leading one of the brothers and his bodyguard to say their goodbyes and leave to a different part of the party.

While Alchemist and who you assumed to Yogurt Cream caught up briefly, you left them to talk, sticking close, but not actively talking as to not interrupt or bother them.

As they talked, you caught who you assumed to be Yogurt Cream's bodyguard staring at you. His gaze was intense, making you freeze in place. Yet, something about him just commanded your attention, making it seem impossible for you to look away from him.

"Hey, Y/N?" You heard Strawberry ask you. "Is it ok if you come with me to the banquet table? There's so many cookies there, and you know how nervous crowds make me!"

"Ah, sure. Let's go together."

[The next day, near the risky bridge]

"We should take a rest here before crossing the bridge." GingerBright said, eyeing the unstable looking bridge standing between the group and the temple they were heading to. "Who knows what could be on the other side?"

"That's a fantastic idea!" Yogurt Cream agreed, taking out his magic lamp. "Here, I have brought some jellies and drinks prepared in case we needed a break on a trip like this!"

"This isn't exactly a trip though..." Strawberry said softly to no one in particular. You softly nodded in agreement to both, as you were pretty tired from all the walking.

From his magic lamp, Yogurt Cream pulled out an impressive array of jellies and a few bottles of juice as well. The group thanked him and started to eat and drink, although it wasn't long before something seemed to be wrong with Yogurt Cream.

Alchemist was the first to notice. "Yogurt Cream..? Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" Yogurt Cream tried to reassure, holding his stomach in pain. "Just a little stomach ache, that's all!"

"It still looks really bad though..." You stated, worry tingeing your voice. "Hang on, I'll make something to help you with it."

"I'm afraid I cannot let you do that." Lilac said, quickly stopping you from starting on the medicine.

"Oh... I promise, I won't hurt him further." You tried to reassure the bodyguard. "My friend has taught me all about herbal remedies. I assure you I mean no harm."

"Yeah! Y/n's really good at making medicines!" GingerBrave said.

"Yeah... they saved us multiple times with their remedies..." Strawberry added on.

"True, if anyone could help out Yogurt Cream, it's them." Alchemist continued.

"...Alright." Lilac stood up, letting you make the medicine. "You better not try anything funny."

You nodded, preparing a simple, but effective stomach medicine for Yogurt Cream. You were careful to make it properly, recalling the steps as Lilac watched you intently.

"There, it's done." You said, taking a small bowl from your bag and putting the medicine in it. You took the bowl and held it to Yogurt Cream. "Here... drink this slowly. It should help."

"Th-Thank you..." Yogurt Cream told you as you helped him drink the medicine. He gagged a little at it's bitter taste, but after a while he told you he was starting to feel better.

Eventually, Yogurt Cream felt much better, and said he was ready to continue on. The group agreed, but as you packed up, Lilac pulled you to the side.

"...You meant your word when you said you'd help him." He told you, making sure no one would notice the two of you talking in private.

His voice... it was so deep and soothing to you, you couldn't explain why, but it was.

"Y-Yeah..." You replied nervously. "I couldn't just leave him to suffer like that..."

"...You could've saved his life. I'm grateful for your actions." This made your heart pound, and it only amplified as he leaned closer to whisper in your ear. "You're a kind cookie, so I will give you a warning. Stay away from Scorpion Cookie, for your own safety."

"H-Huh..?" Lilac only pulled away from you and left to rejoin the group, leaving you blushing and your heart pounding. What was that all about?

"Y/n! Are you coming?"

"O-Oh, yes! Coming!"

You tried to calm yourself down as you joined the group again, but you couldn't get that interaction out of your head.

Whatever the reason... you couldn't get your mind off of the handsome bodyguard and his mysterious warning...

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