He won't fail.

Her only option in this state, is to place all her bets on Ace and that's what she'd do.

She told him that to his face so he knew that she was rooting for him. It gave Ace the burst of confidence he needed but it also was a lot more responsibility placed on his shoulders. He couldn't fail y/n now.

That had been a little over a month ago...

Ace hopped off the ship once they reached the harbour. He didn't want to leave y/n but he also desperately needed to touch land. He felt like one day away from her wouldn't hurt, especially since she wouldn't realize it since bringing her wasn't an option.

His friends also told him to keep his mind off the fight for the time being. That was all he'd be doing if he stayed on the ship. Wanting so badly to get the revenge his heart desired and it was only a two day trip away. In his impulsiveness, he would have taken the ship and left his friends stranded there.

Another reason why they refused to leave him on the ship. Ace was unpredictable in ways that would get them all in trouble.

Ace was walking around the town for a leisurely stroll. It was small but peaceful. People sat at their shops selling a wide variety of different items. Children ran around the streets playing with toys and laughing. It was a nice contrast to how serious he had been feeling.

There were a couple women who sent him some flirtatious looks or tried starting up a conversation with him. Ace was a handsome face with a banging body and charming smile. It wasn't uncommon for women to hit on him and back then he may have fooled around by giving them attention for a few hours but never made promises.

They weren't y/n, and that was reason enough for him.

Now that he knew she was alive, he politely brushed them off and continued on with his stroll. He refused to even entertain the idea when their intentions are clear and he wouldn't do anything that gave them the impression they had a chance. He had his wife now and nobody else mattered.

Ace didn't plan on buying anything on the bustling market and just window shopped. His alone time was soon interrupted by a certain phoenix who had a list of items they needed to get for the ship.

He was suddenly handed bag after bag filled with things the first division commander deemed necessary. Apparently they wouldn't come back to this town after the battle and had to head straight to Whitebeard.

They shouldn't waste time on trivial matters such as this.

Ace slumped against the wall of the store Marco had just went into. They had been buying items for the past three hours and still weren't finished.

The man was tired.

Ace's ears perked up to the hushed whispers coming from a news stand. Curiosity was getting to him with the way they were ferociously talking about the front cover. When the people walk away, Ace decides he wants to see the latest hot gossip. No doubt a new bounty or major event in the world happened. Maybe it would take his mind off the shopping he still had left to do.

Going over to the stand, Ace hands the man behind it some money and takes the newspaper. He returns to his previous position and leans back against the wall. Then he reads the words on the front cover.

'Celestial Dragon Kidnapped By Fire Fist Ace!'

The headline alone had Ace's eyes bulging out of their sockets. There were two pictures underneath of Ace's wanted poster and y/n coming down the stairs at the ball. If he wasn't so mortified, he would have stared at that picture of her all day long or start making a scrapbook.

A Dragons Fire [Portgas D. Ace x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now