Chapter 4: Enter Izuku Kayama

Start from the beginning

"Crap I'm late, keys, keys, where are the keys." Midnight says frantically.

"Uhh mom, look at the coffee table." Izuku told her as he was eating his food and listening to his music. Midnight looked down and saw her keys.

"Thank you ZuZu. I'll see you when I get home, thanks for the toast, and have a good day at school." Midnight said to her son and kissed him on the cheek as she left for work.

"Bye mom, try not to harass the boys at U.A." Izuku says.

"No promises." Midnight replied with a sly smile on her face and then left leaving Izuku alone to finish his food. Once he was all done he checked the time decided that it was time to go as well. He put on his sneakers, switched his rings to their gold bracelet form and left the house.

* * *


As Izuku was walking to school he was completely oblivious to the world happening around him, his mind was on the dream. _'I had that same dream over and over. There have been others but none like this one. Is it connected to my past somehow, to Trinity? If so, how?'_ Izuku continued to mutter inside of his mind.

As he was rambling, something also caught his eye. As he was walking down the street he noticed that a man had been following a woman for while now and she seem to not know what so ever. Izuku's gut was telling him something was off about the guy, so he decided to make a quick stop before heading to school. Izuku used his Flash Step to reach the rooftops.

Now using quirks in public was against the law, but it was a law Izuku doesn't technically agree with. The way Izuku see's it, is that if he has power to protect people who can't protect themselves, so why should he be shackled down. Izuku watched the woman enter the alley and the man followed slowly behind her.

Izuku narrowed his eyes, he didn't like this. Using his Eagle Pulse, Izuku sent off a pulse that let him see that there was another individual at the end of the alley hiding. Izuku saw him and flashed to the man. He appeared behind the man, put him in a sleeper hold, thus choking him out, and flashed away. Izuku flashed back to the rooftops and the man was about to enter. Izuku suspicions were right, this man was trying to mug the woman. The mugger had the woman's mouth covered and began to grope her breast.

_'Oh, hell no.'_ Izuku thought furiously.

Izuku looked at the wall and threw a baseball he found on the rooftop at it. Now to the naked eye, Izuku's throw didn't go anywhere and was pointless, but to someone who is very well trained, you'd be able to see Izuku threw the baseball at the wall to make it ricochet and hit the man right in the back of his head. The ball hit the back of the mugger's head with a massive thud.

The then man fell down unconscious and the woman was thankful to be rescued. She began to look around for the person that saved her but she didn't see no body.

_'Who threw the ball?'_ The woman thought as she looked around the alley way, but when she did she saw nothing.

"Miss, are you alright?" The woman turned to the location of the voice and saw Izuku.

"Yes, thank you young man. I'm fine now, some pro must've come by." The woman said with a smile and Izuku nodded as he left the alley to make his way back to school.

' _Can't get in trouble for using my quirks if no one is there to see you.'_ Izuku thought with sly smirk as he was on his way back to school after talking to the woman he just saved. ' _Now to enjoy this walk to school and listen to some tunes.'_ Unfortunately nothing is ever that simple in the world of Izuku.

The ground began to rumble and people were crowding an area. Izuku got curious and walked over to see what the commotion was, when he got there he saw that there were some heroes fighting a giant villain. Izuku could tell that heroes were doing fine and saw that it was the debut of a new hero called Mt. Lady, who was also his surrogate 'aunt'.

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