Instead, Alex strokes his thumb across Sol's knuckles. Slowly back and forth, like the pull of the ocean, a caress of understanding and devotion. Alex likes to think he has a lot of both of those things.

"I love you, too," Sol finally says.

Alex smiles one of his calm smiles that shows no teeth and is all in the eyes. "I'm sorry my text made you uncomfortable," he says. "It wasn't my intention but I realise how it was taken."

Sol's jaw cinches and releases. "It's not that you made me uncomfortable. It's just..." Sol sighs, lifting his eyes to the roof. Alex's smile shifts into something lovesick. For such a knowledgeable man, Sol often seeks the answers to his heart and needs in the most illogical ways.

It's all Byron's influence, of course.

Sol catches Alex's eye and the corner of his lip tugs upward. He shakes his head and turns his hand to entwine their fingers. "Get that stupid smile off your face."

Alex kisses him soundly. Against Sol's mouth, Alex says, "It's very endearing to see someone so well articulated suddenly speechless."

"I thought you were sorry for making me uncomfortable?"

"I thought you said you weren't uncomfortable?"

Sol huffs a laugh as he melts into the kiss, parting his lips to welcome Alex's tongue into his mouth. It's compliant and sweet and everything Sol isn't. Alex presses closer, needing to feel the man beneath him.

All his lovers are intoxicating, but there's something about the flutter of Sol's heart as it skips a beat from exertion, the way Sol's breath catches with arousal. There's something vulnerable in it, something Sol tries so hard to hide.

"You don't need to pretend with us," Alex murmurs as he straddles Sol's lap. His fingers curl into the soft wisps of hair at Sol's nape, using the leverage to tip their foreheads together. Like this, every inhale is the others exhale. They're in-sync. "I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise."

Sol hums in thought, and Alex knows it's with thought because everything Sol does is weighed and processed. Sure, sometimes he makes the wrong decision. Sometimes he doesn't think his actions or words through quite enough, but no one can say that Sol doesn't use that big brain of his 90% of the time.

The gears are turning in Sol's brain now as he searches Alex's face. The lopsided smile has disappeared, replaced with pressed lips and dilated pupils. His hands have fallen to Alex's hips, holding him steady, and there's a strength to the grasp that tells Alex more than Sol's words ever could.

Brushing his lips against Sol's eyelids, Alex keeps his voice kind and his words careful as he says, "I want to pin you down and fuck you, Sol. I want to make you cum from my cock and nothing else."

Sol shudders bodily, his fingers flexing against Alex's skin. He keeps his eyes shut, as if fighting the burn that is slowly consuming his face.

Alex continues, dropping his voice an octave but keeping it at the same whispered-level, "I want to put you in a skirt and bite your thighs, the same way you and I do to Byron and Lachlan. I want the three of you on the bed, listening to me as I tell direct you towards a release."

A small moan escapes Sol. Heat curls in Alex's stomach, sinking lower until his cock is actively twitching and growing. Alex tilts his head to press biting kisses along Sol's neck, all the while slowly grinding their hips together.

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