Chapter 1: Head of Porcelain

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     An older man stood to the side as he checked off a list

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     An older man stood to the side as he checked off a list. Every few seconds his head would move away from the clipboard and he would watch as a new worker walk into the room. His eyes narrowed as he saw one of his men carelessly setting down one of the boxes.
"Hey! be careful with that one" he warned.
"Her head's in there, and it's fragile. Can't you see the sticker?" He pointed directly at the bright red sticker with the words FRAGILE printed in bold. The older man, whose name was Richard based on the silver name tag on his shirt, set the clipboard down. He scratched his bearded jaw as he walked over to the box and knelt beside it with annoyance, "her head ain't as tough as the other animatronics..she's a bit unique". A sweet, rose-like smell escaped the box as it was opened. It was like someone doused it in perfume. Richard hesitated, but he reached in and was very gentle as he pulled out what was inside; a white and shiny porcelain cat head.
     It was large and quite heavy, and frankly he wasn't sure how any animatronic could hold up a head like that without tumbling over. He could feel the sweat start to build up on his forehead, it was rather daunting having to actually hold something so easily breakable.
"Porcelain?" The worker beside him questioned.
"Yep. You gotta be careful with something like this" he replied. Richard took a good look at her. He could feel and see certain intricate details on her head, like the sculpted "fur" and the whiskers that sprouted from small holes near her nose.
"You should've been paying more attention," he scolded. "But we'll have a chat about that another time. For now, help me set this girl up"


Putting an animatronic together was always a bit of a challenge, and Madam Kitty was no exception. Usually, a machine was used to build them and, incase of damages, fix them. But because she wasn't in the machine's programming and had such a fragile head they couldn't just hand her over. Fortunately, the only real challenge was attaching the head to the body, as it was heavy and they were afraid it would fall if they let go too quickly.
Madam Kitty looked like a doll by the end, and maybe that was the look she was meant to have. She was posed on a soft, wingback chair with her hands resting delicately on her lap. A crimson ribbon wrapped around her neck and kept a ridiculously large, but lovely, bow in place. Her porcelain cheeks were lightly caressed by the edges of said bow, and it made her look like a Christmas present. And of course no one could forget about her dress, which looked to be inspired  by 1800s fashion. It's colors matched those of a red Carnation. If anyone looked closely, they'd notice a pattern of faded rose embroidery.
The workers could only gaze at her for so long, and only then did they realize just how out off place she looked. The Mega Pizza Plex's look was inspired by an 80s glam rock style, but Madam Kitty's was much older than that. She more so resembled a very large collector's item, maybe one one would find in their grandmother's attic. Which wasn't bad, but it made them wonder why Fazbear Entertainment decided to buy her in the first place.
"She's built a bit differently, ain't she?" One of the workers commented on. Richard nodded in agreement.
"Madam Kitty's her name, created by an older woman who can't take care of her no more. An illness I think," Richard replied, he scratched his cheek in thought.
"Huh, you think the company bought her so that she wouldn't to go to waste?" someone else wondered.
Richard gave them a look. He sighed.
"Maybe, or they decided to take advantage of a dying, elderly woman's emotions for their own gain. Old lady probably didn't want her shut down".
As everyone quietly spoke among themselves, Richard kept his eyes on the animatronic. Her eyes, blue as gas flames, stared right through him. He may have worked with animatronics, but goodness did those robots send shivers down his spine, especially when they were in that pre-activation "dead" state. Suddenly he remember something important and reached into his pocket. He took out an envelope and set it down on a nearby table. When someone questioned him he answered that Madam Kitty's creator wrote it and asked for it to be delivered to her.
"Anyway, I think we should go now. We've stayed here longer than usual" Richard suggested. He looked around, the same uneasiness from before making the hairs on his back stand.
"Besides..this place creeps me the hell out at night".


    Waking up in a new location would've frightened anyone, but Madam Kitty had known about her transfer to the Pizza Plex for some time now. Miss Flores had told her so, she had been prepared, yet the darkness in the room was not welcoming. In fact, she had been told she'd be activated in the morning by an employee, but there was no one in sight. And it wasn't even morning seemed that something else managed to wake her up. Fortunately, getting used to the dark was no issue for an animatronic with night vision. Blue light emitted from her eyes, slightly coloring her bow and cheeks.
Her gaze fell on many things, such as the few tables scattered around the area and unopened boxes. Madam Kitty looked down at her palms. For a moment she stared at each individual paw pad, like she was thinking- but that didn't last long. Her hands rested back down on her lap and she looked around the room once more. Despite the inability to make facial expressions, there was a look in her eyes of passive curiosity.
     Madam Kitty slowly rose from the chair. She wasn't interested in siting the entire time. She could've shut down for the night, but she didn't want least not yet. There were many things she wanted to see and she wanted to have a moment to herself before morning arrived. She stopped in-front of a table, her metallic fingertips ran along the edge as she admired the white cloth that covered its wooden surface. She couldn't help but wonder, how similar would such a place be to the cafe she used to work in?
     In the corner of her eye, Madam Kitty saw something quickly strolling by the display window. Her thoughts were interrupted and she quickly made her way over to the window, but by the time she got there it was already gone. Although, from where she stood she could tell it had a flashlight, black cap, and two wheels that helped it move.
She finally noticed the neon signs that illuminated sections of the Pizza Plex. It wasn't enough to help light up her room, but they made it easier to make out the outside layout. She had never seen so many neon green and red and yellow—it was almost overwhelming. Although, she did like the pop in color.
     And then she focused on her reflection.
She stared into her own eyes. Madam Kitty took a few steps back to take a good look at herself. Thinking more deeply about her situation, she wondered why such a bright, neon-themed, Mega Pizza Plex would want an animatronic based on a porcelain cat doll. She didn't quite match the theme, not to mention that most of her head was made out of porcelain. With so many children around, surely that was a recipe for disaster.
Really, Madam Kitty should've been taken to a different cafe. Or at least an establishment that didn't clash so dramatically with her. It wasn't the end of the world, but realistically an animatronic like her wouldn't fit very well with the rest. And what about the customers, what would they think?
She shook her head and looked down at the metallic knuckles on her hand. Perhaps it was time to shut back down and wait for the morning, it was very likely that she was only overthinking things.
Madam Kitty turned around to return to her chair, but there was something she noticed in the corner of her eye. An envelope, siting on one the tables. It was sealed delicately with a red ribbon and the scent of something sweet. She must've missed it somehow and when she took a closer look she realized that it was addressed to her.
...She supposed she could wait before shutting down for the night.
She had never received a letter like that. Based on the very small hand writing and 'Y's with long tails, she could tell it was from Miss Flores. Her hands moved with care as she tore open the envelope. Once opened, she took out the piece of paper inside and scanned the cursive lines.
How sad that animatronics couldn't cry, because that would be the only way Madam Kitty would be able to express how she felt. Madam Kitty may have only been an animatronic, but Miss Flores wrote to her as if she were her daughter. In the letter, she expressed her sadness in having to let her go, but explained that it was better than shutting her down forever.
Yet there was something that surprised her. The mention of her mice companions; Lucinda, Mimi, and Ramone. Flores joked that that she was actually able to pressure "the business people" to take them with her so that she wouldn't be lonely. They were all like a little family, and she wouldn't want to separate them.
The letter ended with Ms. Flores expressing how was proud she was that she managed to create such beautiful and unique animatronics. And that even though they would most likely never see each other again, she would always think of them.
Madam Kitty was unable to take her eyes off that letter even after she had finished reading it. It took a moment for her to put it back into the envelope and set it down where she found it. Ms. Flores sent her there because she didn't want her to go to waste, because she cared so much over such a simple creation.
Maybe a porcelain cat looking animatronic didn't necessarily fit in with the glam rock theme, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't be loved just as much. least she hoped. Truly, she would have to accept her situation. Madam Kitty didn't have much of a choice either way, it wasn't like she could just jump out the window.
Madam Kitty took her seat on the soft wingback chair. Her hands found its original spot on her lap. She could stay up all night if she pleased but she just wanted a few hours of little to not thinking. Besides, someone would activate her again and maybe then would she feel a little more welcomed.
Her eyes slowly dimmed and lost its light, and Madam Kitty shut herself down for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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