Tendou: Good Morning

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          All his life, Tendou Satori remembered nothing but pain in life. By the age of 3, he was already aware of his surroundings. He knew that nobody liked him, they looked at him differently but he didn't bother with it because he had his family, he had a home... That was until... one day, his parents took him for a drive.

Satori: "Whe- - where are we?" The little redhead asked his parents that held his hand as they stood in front of a huge building while it poured hard outside. "Mo- - Mommy?" But she said nothing while his father looked away.

         Tendou Satori watched from the window as his parents drove away. He felt his world crumble as he finally realized that even his own family didn't want him, that they never truly loved him. He really was alone now.

          Living in the orphanage was not easy, not because he was new but because nobody liked him, no one understood him, no one wanted to get to him. Despite Tendou's efforts, everyone just kept their distance from him, even the adults looked like they were having a hard time being with him.

          For 2 more years, Tendou lived like this. But everything changed on his 5th birthday. The little red head was cooking himself a little cupcake for his birthday when he heard the doorbell ring. He stopped what he was doing and went to the room to see the 2 adults talking by the opened door. He went close and saw that it was the orphange's Director and head teacher.

Director: "I can't believe they just left him here." It looked like they were fawning over something.

Teacher: "But what else can we do?" Tendou could finally see that the teacher was holding something in her arms that was wrapped in a purple blanket.

Director: "As much as I want to help, this place is already having financial troubles. We already let go of two caretakers and one of them was assigned with the younger kids like this one."

Teacher: "Maybe we could- -" The baby started crying and no matter what the two adults did, the baby just wouldn't stop its wails.

Director: "We just don't have enough people to help anymore- -" She felt a tug on her skirt. The two adults looked down and saw a little red head. "You- - Um..." She looked like she was caught in a lie but the little boy knew. No one knew him and those who had, have already forgotten about him but he didn't let it get to him.

Satori: "May I?" The two adults hesitated for a second but gave in and handed the baby to him. "Shhhh~" He started gently rocking the baby in his arms who started quieting down and in a minute, the baby was sleeping peacefully.

          The Director and teacher were amazed at how Tendou had handled the baby. A bit of guilt had dawned on them, realizing their own misunderstanding and misconception of the little boy in front of them.

Director: "What's your name, Dear?" The little boy looked up and for the first time, saw someone looking at him gently.

Satori: "Tendou Satori, Ma'am." The older lady giggled.

Director: "Well, Satori..." She patted his head. "Thank you for putting this little angel to sleep but I'm afraid we have to take him." Her gentle smile turned to a frown.

Satori: "But where are you taking him?" He tilted his head in confusion.

Director: "Somewhere he could be taken care of..." She was about to take the baby but Tendou turned, which surprised the two adults.

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