"Don't say that! You're plenty pretty and you'll get a husband someday! If you want, I could even be your husband!" Zenitsu was at full volume once again, but this time he kept his distance. I let out a sigh.

"It's a blind joke, Zenitsu, I'm blind so I can't see anything." Before I could dig into Zenitsu for not understanding the joke, Tanjiro intervened.

"Regardless, let me get Hisa and she can help you change, if you'd like."

After meeting Hisa and politely declining her offer to have assistance changing, I was guided back to the boys.

"Hey, (Y/N)." I was greeted by Tanjiro, who took my hand and guided me to sit by him. The room smelled heavenly, like rice and tempura. "Zenitsu and I waited for you before we began but Inosuke was too hungry."

"Ah thank you, but please don't let this delicious smelling meal get cold on my account. Let's eat!" I felt in front of me to assess the food situation. A bowl of rice a tempura bowl were the main dishes, along with a glass of-

The soft thump of a glass hitting the tatami interrupted me, I knocked it off the edge of my table.

"Ah! Before it settles!" I pulled my kimono from underneath myself, gathering the spare fabric to the side and reaching to where I thought I spilled the glass.

"Wait-" Tanjiro began to stop me with his hand before Zenitsu exploded.

"(Y/N)! You can't just use your kimono to-" he paused a moment and I could practically hear him short circuit. "Your womanly thighs.."

I heard his body hit the floor as my face turned red. I hadn't realized I had grabbed so much of my kimono. Tanjiro was quick to calm me as I quickly shuffled to cover myself again.

"It's okay! I have a cloth right here to clean anything up," Tanjiro must've seen my blush as he added. "And no one saw anything past your thighs."

"I don't see the big deal. First you wait on the runt to start eating, then you worry about her legs? Who cares?" Inosuke butted into the conversation with his mouth full. I felt Tanjiro wind himself up for a lecture.

"Well it's manners Inosuke, some people react like Zenitsu-"

"Hey!" Zenitsu interjected, shuffling to sit himself upright.

"And have little self control. We're lucky that he's fairly harmless, but some people might've tried to take advantage of (Y/N)s vulnerable state."

"She can see better with less on, if anything she's more vulnerable with all that fabric." Inosuke tried to counter and I heard one of the bowls shift as something was roughly taken from it.

"Don't just take her food! And use your chopsticks!" Zenitsu cut in as, apparently, Inosuke stole from my dish.

I defensively grabbed my bowls, pulling them closer to myself. I felt around for my chopsticks. Even if I embarrass myself by dropping something at least I was trying to be polite. Grasping my chopsticks I began eating, occasionally making a mess of myself by dropping the rice and tempura on.

After dinner I was shown to a room where I could clean myself up again, while the boys were checked on by a doctor. We met back up in a room where Miss Hisa said we could sleep. The boys informed me that they all had broken ribs and that Inosuke did get a concussion from when Tanjiro head butted him.

"According to the crow, this house with the wisteria family crest belongs to a family that was once rescued by demon hunters. That's why they take care of people for free if they're demon hunters." Tanjiro spoke leading me to an open futon. Zenitsu chimed in while I sat down.

Not a Slayer (Blind!Reader x Demon Slayer Boys)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora