xv. kiss

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anya thanked her driver for the ride to the sturniolo household before getting out and walking up the steps to the house and knocking on the door. she only had to wait a minute before nick pulled the door open and pulled anya into a tight hug. "i missed you so much."

anya hugged back with a wide smile and held nick close. "i missed you too nick!"

matt and angelica walked out of matt's room and ran over to anya, hugging her tightly, pushing nick away from her making nya laugh. "hi guys! i missed you so much!" anya smiled and held them close.

"come on! we can watch a movie in my room." nick said once the three were done hugging. the group walked into nick's bedroom and sat down on nicks bed, angelica and matt cuddling and anya and nick cuddling.

the group decided they would watch the high school musical trilogy in respect of anya returning back home to boston, and the group sang along to every song at the top of their lungs, ignoring chris and aven's annoyed complaints and bangs on the wall.

in the middle of high school musical two, the group began to get hungry, trying to focus on the movie but unable due to their need for food. "i'm hungry." angelica said making matt pause the movie and look over at nick and anya.

"me too." he complied.

nick and anya agreed before nick ran his hands over his face. "there's doritos on top of the fridge, it just depends on who wants to go and get them." anya watched as all her friends groaned tiredly and smiled faintly at them.

"i'll go." anya said before getting up.

"are you sure you want to? matt can go!" angelica said worriedly, a faint groan coming from matt as he rolled his eyes before being elbowed in the side by his girlfriend.

anya smiled and opened the door. "i'll be fine." anya then shut the door and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the bag of doritos from the top of the fridge. when anya turned around she jumped when she saw chris leaning over the counter staring at her. "oh- hi.." anya said nervously.

"tell nick to turn the tv down and stop yelling." chris said flatly as anya walked closer to the door to nick's room.

"we're just trying to have fun—" anya said before chris steps in front of her, blocking her path to the safeness of nicks room. like nick's room was base in an intense game of tag.

"i don't care. i don't want to hear dumb high school musical."

anya finally looked up at chris after avoiding his eye contact. she gulped when his blue-grey eyes locked eyes with hers, and his hot breath fanned down on her face. "i thought you liked that movie." anya said, trying to sound cocky, but instead sounding meek and scared.

chris laughed coldly and rolled his eyes. "no anya, you liked that movie. i liked you."

his words stung more than a slap across the face. the way he said her name with such disgust, repulse.. he liked her, and now he hated her. but his eyes were telling anya something different, like they knew something chris' mouth didn't.

"you liked me?" anya pushed out, her voice feeling like fire burning through her body from the inside out. chris sucked in a sharp breath of air before leaning down and connecting their lips, placing his hand on the side of her face as she stood on her tip toes to keep the gap between them closed.

but the euphoric feeling was soon washed away when chris pulled away and frantically wiping his lips. crack. he looked at her, and now his eyes were on the same page as his mouth. he hated her. every part of him hated her. crack. and then he was gone, back in his room with the door closed and probably locked. shatter.


the bag of doritos slipped from anya's shaking hands and it fell to the ground. she didn't even try to stop it as the salty tears rolled slowly down her cheeks, landing on her lips. she sucked in a shaky breath before walking out of the house, closing the door softly behind her. she didn't know where she was going.. she hadn't called her car, but she just walked. she walked as far away from the house as she could get before collapsing into a fit of sobs and broken spurts of exasperated gasps for air.

she had ruined everything with him. everything she had been wanting to fix since she saw him that night a few months back at her show in boston. but now all was lost. all his feelings of love for her were lost. and yet her heart beat for him, fueled with pain and happiness. they had kissed. their first kiss. unfortunately that little kids would lead to endless heartbreak.

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