Tuesday, 7 PM

146 7 0

Chapter 1


I jolted up from my seat, my heart was pounding. I looked around, only to find that almost everyone inside the train was staring at me like i was a madman. "S-Sorry." I quickly sat back down, crumpling into my seat, and my face turning red from embarrassment.

I fidgeted with the ends of my sweater nervously, then let out a sigh as i dug my hands in my pockets, trying to look for my cellphone.

"Hm..?" I found what i was looking for, but what i hadn't expected is that there was another item in my pocket; something that i didn't remember bringing. Not only that, but it was an old, gold coated, pocket watch. Unsure of what to do, i put it back into my pocket for the time being. "Maybe someone misplaced their watch..?" The pounding in my head worsened as i thought more and more. "..No, that can't be right. Why and how would anyone put a seemingly valuable object in a stranger's pockets? On accident??" I pondered to myself, trying to look for a logical and reasonable explanation.

"Urgh, forget it." Sighing in defeat, i attempted to relieve my headache by closing my eyes, but instead fell back into a deep slumber.

AFFRIGHT↷ a creepypasta male reader-insert. ☆Where stories live. Discover now