Isabelle's Haunt (Part 4) (FINAL)

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Last time:

*Shut up Lucy. It's time for Isabelle and Michael to leave, and this is also the end of part 3.*

(Scene 1)

*Isabelle and Michael went to their houses. But Isabelle is still puzzled and frustrated about the fact that she couldn't figure out why her mouth tasted like metal while walking to her house.*

Isabelle 💭: Why the damn hell.. DID MY MOUTH TASTE LIKE METAL. Ugh! Something in that spaghetti must've done something.. it's the only way... At least my mouth doesn't taste like metal right now.. Cuz it tasted absolutely horrible!

*Michael and Isabelle reach home, and Isabelle goes straight to ask them the same question again.*

(Scene 2,,, TEXTING PART #2)

Isabelle: I'm still pissed that you guys didn't even answer my question.

Michael: About what?

Lucy: Uh... The metal thing?

Isabelle: Yes! Nobody answered me on that! Michael was being rude as always and Lucy.. Uh.. Just now remembering that Lucy said something about it..

Lucy: Yup. I said it should be something about that spaghetti.

Isabelle: Well yeah most probably and-

*Isabelle's tooth starts to hurt.*

Isabelle 💭: OW! My teeth!

Isabelle: Well now my tooth is hurting.

Michael: Not my problem.

*Isabelle's tooth starts bleeding.*

Isabelle: And now it's bleeding, great.

*Isabelle realizes that the blood tastes similar..

Isabelle: Y'all, shut up for a second. The blood tastes like the metal...

Lucy: Oh! I think I know what happened! That same tooth must've been bleeding when you were eating that spaghetti.

Isabelle: Well that could've happened.. but my teeth weren't hurting while eating..

Michael: Unless the spaghetti sauce was made out of blood.

Lucy: You're joking, right?

Michael: Nope. Dead serious.

Isabelle: Uhm.. guys.. I think Michael is right...

Lucy: Girlie you know how Michael always is the one to come up with stuff like this 🙄

Isabelle: I need to process this, i'll shut up for a second..

*Isabelle tries to process this all in, and decides to ask her mom what the hell just happened.*

Isabelle: Ok guys, so, i'm gonna ask my mom what happened..

Michael: We have a megamind right here. Round of applause for mediocre knowledge.

Isabelle: Shut. The. Hell. Up. Michael. Before. I. Lose. My. Mind.

Lucy: 👀☕

Isabelle: Now is not the right time, Lucy.

Lucy: Ok, Ok, sorry lol

*Isabelle goes to ask her mom.*

(Scene 3)

Isabelle: Uh, hey mom, did you perhaps.. put anything extra maybe.. in the spaghetti sauce..?

*Isabelle's mom doesn't answer.*

Isabelle: Uh... Hey mom..?

*Her dad walks in.*

Isabelle's dad: Hi honey!

Isabelle: Hey dad, do you know why mom isn't talking or... Doing anything?

Isabelle's dad: Uh.. what do you mean kid?

Isabelle: Like, she isn't answering my question.

Isabelle's dad: You must've gotten a screw loose, honey.

Isabelle: And why is that?

Isabelle's dad: Mom died 2 months ago.

*WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, epic plot twist am I right? Anyways, basically what happened is that Isabelle got so caught up with her mom passing away, that her hallucinations made her think her mom was still alive. And remember the Lucy dream? It didn't turn out to be Lucy, that was her mom. The dark figure she kept seeing was also her mom, accompanying her. She got all her situations and problems mixed up in her hallucinations,  but it's completely the other way around in reality. The actual thing is.. its not hallucinations. Its just her mom actually haunting her. So Michael was right after all, but in a crazy way. She still feels the presence of her mom...*


Uh, hey guys, when I only made the script, all of the parts took me 5 days to make, and I hope y'all like it. This whole thing was inspired by a dream I had, which is absolutely nothing compared to the series. Basically in my dream, we had a science assessment and none of my group-mates were helping, so I slept in the dream. Pretty weird dream, I know, but that dream turned into a whole story series... thing- Anyways, special thanks to my irl bestie for reviewing  the parts, it was basically a pass-time for us, and now I made a whole story like, WOW. And even if I didn't get that many views, I wouldn't care because I had a lot of fun making this, and making something original really gives me that satisfaction that i've accomplished something. Also, my grammar and spellings is probably wonky here and there, since English isn't my mother tongue, so sorry for that. Anyways, baiiiiii!!


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