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              💜💜💜 Sofia!💜💜💜

Sofia is my NO.1 FAVOURITE main protagonist/character of the series. She was/is the first one l saw, l loved, l adored, l enjoyed, l supported and OFC; respected most of all. I love how brave, creative, heart-warming, friendly, sweet, innocent, smart, compassionate, comfortable, and adventurous she is.💜 She's one strong little girl,  who does and goes far - beyond to make sure her family, friends are safe, well, and protected from danger. She's a; Protector, Storyteller, and the Amulet 🧿 holder. Her best friends are; Clover(her pet), Mia, Robin and Whatnaught (aka her animal friends) and more.💜💜 l love you so much Sofia.💜💜💜


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I ♡ STF/EOA!♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin