Chapter 1, what?

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'Now where would test tube be?' OJ thought as he went upstairs to where the rooms are with paper on his side. "OJ where are we?" Paper tiredly ask. OJ look at paper who was also looking at OJ, their faces were near to eachothers. "OJ, umm. Are y-you *paper quickly turn to his opposite side to cough, making OJ snap back to reality* okay?" Paper turn back to OJ to notice that OJ has a bit of a blush on his face. "uh-yep! Im okay paper but you..oh, *OJ look at the hole, changing his expression to sad* we're going to test tube. Im still not sure where" "m-maybe she's in fan's room?" OJ thought at the words that paper said. "paper you're right! Thanks for helping me as always" OJ said, making paper happy. They continue walking until they met fan & paintbrush's room. OJ knocks on the door. "huh? Who's there?" A male voice can be heard. "Let me open the door" an female voice said as the footsteps gets louder to the door. She opens the door, showing that its test tube who opened it. "Oh! Hi OJ and p-OH MY GOLLY-REEZ-JO! Wh-what happened to paper?!" Test tube freaked out by paper's hole. "what going on?!" The male voice came next to test tube, showing to be fan. Test tube showed paper's hole which fan got scared of. "test tube-i cant believe who trophy has to mess with but-trophy and paper got into some kind of fight.." OJ said, as he lost himself in thoughts as he look down. "Paper, what happened?" Test tube asked. "yeah? What happened between you two guys? Paper never acts hostile!" Said fan.

Then another thought came into OJ's mind. Fan is right, paper never acts hostile. Paper is a kind-hearted cute guy, he would never act like trophy plus ball- wait...did did he come back?! OJ look back to see test tube covering paper's hold with bandages as fan was holding the medical box. Paper was looking away, then noticed OJ who was looking at him. OJ's face looks like he was concern for paper. "OJ you dont have to scared. Im alright!" Paper smiled at OJ. OJ tried to smile back but that thought couldn't be left behind. OJ could even see paper's fake smile. OJ couldn't let his mouth close, he needs to tell test tube and paper about it.

"p-paper.." "huh? Oh right! I'll go apologize to trophy about what has happened-" "no paper! *Oj snapped, removing paper's smile to a scared expression* your-your!" OJ pause. "OJ, explain please?" Test tube said with a confused tone. " you remember that, you used to have this uncontrollable evil side?". Everyone went silent after what OJ said. 

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