Rory let out a tear but quickly wiped it away.  "I'm in a back room with a high window. I can't reach it to get out."

Nat nodded as she pulled the fabric around Rory's body.  "This is stunning I think."

Rory barely noticed the princess gown that was wrapped around her.  It was not something she would have ever wanted for her wedding dress.  But then again, all she had pictured for the last few months was when she would marry Andy.  Not if but when. "It looks great."  She shrugged her shoulders.

"Look, the sooner you choose one, the sooner I can leave and give Andy the intel," she whispered on the pretense of checking the hem. "Lloyd is dangerous."

"I know," she whispered.  "I think you are right," she said aloud. "Thank you, Miss Romanoff." They swiftly took off the dress.

"You will be a beautiful bride, Miss Rory."  Nat gathered up her belonging and opened the door. Lloyd was waiting.  "She picked one, needs to be hemmed.  It'll take a day."

"Fine," Lloyd said.  "I want it to be perfect for my pumpkin's special day."  Rory tried not to flinch when the sociopath touched her.  He looked at Charles.  "Escort her back to her room, nicely.  I'll see you soon, pumpkin."  He left the room as Natasha was led out by Steve.

Charles offered his arm like a gentleman to walk Rory to her room.  She took it hesitantly, knowing if she refused, it would be devastating to her in the long run. He walked her to the room and opened the door.  She barely took a step in before she was shoved up against the wall, Charles's body pressed up against hers.  "Scream and you die."  She nodded.  "God, Lloyd is a lucky son of a bitch.  I just want to taste what is bringing such powerful men to their knees."  He placed a bruising kiss to her lips, forcing his tongue in her mouth.

Rory bit his tongue and pushed him away with a scream.  "Don't touch me!" It was loud enough to alert Lloyd.  He came running in seeing Charles spit out blood and Rory back herself into a corner.

Lloyd drew his gun.  "Did you touch her?"

There really wasn't a point in lying since the evidence was quite literally in his face. "Just wanted a taste."

Lloyd's face twisted in anger.  He pressed the barrel of the gun to Charles's head. "She. Is. MINE!"

Charles closed his eyes, knowing the shot was coming.  Instead, her heard in his ear, "touch her without my permission again and I will paint the walls with your bowels. Understood?" He nodded and swallowed.

Lloyd turned to Rory.  "Pumpkin, I'm sorry that happened."  He whipped around and backhanded Charles. "It won't happen again."  He offered his hand to her. "Let me get you to a place that is more comfortable."

"I'm ok," she whispered.

"Move. Now," Lloyd growled.

Rory didn't hesitate.  She got up and took his hand. He could feel the tremble in his hand from her.  She was scared and rightfully so.  She was the prize in a very dangerous game. He led her to his suite and into the bathroom.  He checked her face and arms.  "I'm sorry about the bruises Aurora."

"I'm fine. Doesn't hurt," she mumbled, now looking down at the ground.

"I'll change the guards.  My Soldier and a new hire will take care of you."

"I can't escape," she stated.  "Why do I need a guard?"

"Because when I make you my queen, people will try to get to you to get to me and I can't have that.  So be a good girl and just do as I say."  Lloyd looked at her and saw the tear fall.  "Don't cry.  I will make you a very happy woman." He took her hand and placed it over his growing erection.  "See what you do to me? I will make you feel so good on our wedding night.  Unlike Andy who defiled you before marriage. Dishonorable."  He wiped the tear away.  "Now, give me a kiss and I will walk you back to your room."

Aurora (Andy Barber ~ Five Kings of Boston ~ Book  One)Where stories live. Discover now