Sparring turned therapy session????

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This is probably the most canon thing I've ever written.

Before he was bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter Parker was...well he was sick. The poor has spent so much time in and out of hospitals, being prone to things like pneumonia and the flu. His allergies were god awful and he was just so small May and Ben couldn't help but to worry about him. If you ask Peter, however, the worst was his asthma. All it took was for a room to be a little too dusty and soon enough, Peter's chest gets heavy and he's rushing to find the little plastic inhaler that's saved him far too many times.
And that's how he lived his life for 14 years. May put together his 'Peter bag' filled with all of the medical supplies he might need. His nebulizer, inhalers, assortments of medications and antibiotics, the lot.
After the spider bite, Peter saw all of that go away. No more glasses, no more inhalers, no more hospital visits. May had thought he'd grown out of it, later she learned that it was actually because a radioactive spider altered her nephew's DNA.
When Peter met Tony, he never really talked about what life was like for him before the bite. Tony knew of a few things from May, through their little chat before Germany, but that was about it. May still insisted that the teen brought his 'Peter bag' with him when he spent nights at the tower. She insisted that it would ease her anxieties.
Peter hadn't really realized it, but they soothed his own anxieties as well.
Peter was spending, yet another, weekend at the tower—and agreement him and May made once she started working night shifts again. Today, he training with the Avengers (THE AVENGERS)! The vigilante was trying his best to keep his cool but that's literally Captain America fighting Black Widow. He thinks he'd fly away if Tony didn't have a grounding hand on his shoulder right now.
"After they're done, you're gonna spar with Nat." Tony says casually. Peter turned to look at his mentor and Tony was worried the kid's eyes were going to pop out of his head.
"Black Widow?! Mr Stark- I- She's- I get to spar with Black Widow?!" Peter rambles anxiously, eyes darting between his mentor and the currently sparring duo.
"Yep." Tony replies, unable to keep the smile off of his face from Peter's excitement. He his, however, startled by the barreling hug that comes right after.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou." The boy rushes out as Tony reciprocated the hug back. "This is the greatest day of my entire life."
"No, no, no. This can not be the greatest day of your life—that's so lame. I need to take you to Disney or something. You ever been to Disney?"
"Mr Stark, the only time I've ever left New York was when you took me to Germany. (No infinity war. Fuck thanos.)" Peter finally pulls away from the embrace.
"Oh I am so taking you to Disney then." The conversation ends with the sound of Steve being pinned to the matted floor. "Guess that's your queue, underoos." He gently nudges Peter towards the mat where Nat is helping Steve off of the floor.
"Good luck, Queens." Steve said, parting Peter's shoulder as he walks past. Oh my god oh my god ohmygod.
Peter steps up on the mat with a skip in his step. Is he in heaven? This feels like heaven.
He puts up one hell of a fight too. Peter is fighting in front of his idols, he has to be at his best. Ned is going to freak once Peter tells him about this. He is a lot more of a defensive fighter, however. Peter spends more time dodging than he does hitting (maybe he's too scared of his own strength?? Well...that's a problem for a different day.)
Then—in a split second—Peter found himself on the ground.
Peter was momentarily distracted by another group of Avengers (AVENGERS!) walking into the room. Unfortunately for him, that was just enough time for Nat to plant a kick to his chest, effectively knocking the wind out of him, making him fall flat on his back. And then that all too familiar feeling comes flooding back to him.
He can't breathe.
His chest won't move no matter how hard he tries, little wheezes escaping. He's having an asthma attack. He doesn't even have an inhaler on him! He's going to die! He can't breathe he can't-
"Peter!" The teens head snaps toward the gaze of his worried mentor, who's rushing up onto the mat. "Underoos, you gotta breathe for me."
"C-can't." He's dying and Tony's telling him to breathe?? He's suffocating he needs, he needs-
"Yes you can. Come on, buddy, you're okay." Tony rests a hand on Peter's chest. "You're already breathing you just gotta slow it down."
"N-no. Asthma." Peter whimpers, and he still can't breathe.
"This isn't your asthma, Pete. This is a panic attack." Tony says gently, trying to hold Peter's gaze. "Look at me, bud." Peter's teary eyes finally meet Tony's. "You're okay. You don't have asthma anymore, the bite fixed that remember? We ran all of the tests. You can breathe. You just need to calm down."
"M-mr..." Peter tries to say his mentor's name.
"You're okay, buddy. Why don't you tell me five things you can see?"
"F-five? Th-the weights. Um...Mr Rogers-Mr Stark!"
"Shhh, don't worry about them. They don't care, they've been though this with me so many times before. Tell me two more things, come on."
"The- uh... the trees outside."
"Good, one more."
"The-the benches."
"There you go." Tony praises, pulling Peter to lay against his chest now that the teen is no longer hyperventilating. "You're okay. No more asthma, buddy, I promise."
" 'm sorry." Peter whimpers, hiding in his mentor's chest. God this is SO embarrassing. Now the Avengers are gonna think he's a baby and they're never let him train with them again-
"What did I tell you about the apologies, Underoos?" Tony says not unkindly.
"That they're stupid."
"Tony that's a terrible lesson." Steve butts in. Oh my god Captain America is still here. He SAW Peter have a panic attack after getting knocked on his ass-
"Well he apologizes over things that are stupid. So in this scenario—it's valid." The genius retorts.
"It's because I was being stupid." Peter whines, voice muffled by the fabric of Tony's t-shirt.
"You were not being stupid." It's Steve who jumps in to comfort the teen this time. "I know how hard it is to go from fighting pneumonia every winter to being well...this." The super soldier gestures to himself, crouching in front of Tony and Peter.
"I-I forgot that you were sick too." Pete sniffles, wiping at his tears with his sleeves. Steve chuckles in response.
"Yeah." He sighs. "We didn't have any of the fancy inhalers you have nowadays, but, between you and me, I still have a few of my aminophylline tablets from back in the day."
"I know Bucky also has a few of them in his battle suit." Nat adds as well, looking at the teen with a rare soft look. (It's not very rare for Peter, but it is for everyone else.)
"Sorry for being dramatic." Peter hiccups a few times, still a little shook up from his prior episode.
"You were not being dramatic." Tony rolls his eyes. "You spent your first 14 years of life with a boat load of medical problems, even may still has her anxieties. Hell, she gave me—what did she call it?—your 'Peter Bag'?"
"She gave you that?" Peter blushes.
"She did." Tony confirms. "Because just like the rest of us, she worries about you. Although now I have to worry about if you're hiding any broken bones."
"I've only done that once!" Tony shuts him up with a stern look (It was definitely more than once). "Sorry."
"Quit with the apologies, kid."
"Yeah, if someone's going to apologize it might as well be me." Nat shrugs.
"No I- Ms Widow you don't need to- It was my fault I-"
"Okay I'm cutting you off before you have a stroke." Tony (lovingly) clasps a hand over Peter's mouth, silencing the teen.
"I hit you too hard when I knew you weren't looking. It was my fault, shit happens." Nat says again, daring Peter to try and argue again. "There. No more apologies for the rest of the day."
"For the rest of forever." Tony agrees. "Getting this kid to say 'Sorry' is like getting him to stop saying 'Mr Stark'."
"My apologies, Dr Stark." Peter snarks behind a smile.
"Oh you little—"


Sorry this is kind of shit but hey! It's an update. Happy 2023 everyone!!!

Love you,
xoxo spiderxmarvel.

Word count: 1495

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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