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"I trust you've been a good wife?" Her uncle Albert spoke as the De Ville's welcomed each family into their home. Catrina glared at him in anger.

Who was he to dictate her marriage?

"Okay love." Walter spoke coming up behind her to stop the small girl from lunging at the older man. He gripped her shoulders tight. "It's been wonderful Albert."

Albert smiled at him before preceding into the house. "I'm going to murder someone." Catrina promised in anger causing Walter to hug her into his side "who does he think he is?" She questioned glaring up at Walter.

"He's a well respected Alexander who believes I'm a god." Walter spoke "so let's not anger them."

"Angry old men cause problems with us." Viktoria told her as she walked up to them "they'll start critiquing everything we do if they think Walter isn't happy."

Catrina watched as Viktoria was also glaring at some of the men in her family. "Walter isn't the only one in this marriage." Catrina glared as well seeing how the man were commenting at Lucy's choice of bright pink dress.
"I'm going to murder someone." Catrina promised again as she walked forward to save Lucy from the men. "Lu, walk with me?" Catrina questioned holding out her hand for Lucy to take. "You don't have to do that." Lucy whisper to the girl once they were heading back toward Walter and Viktoria. "Yes I do." Catrina told her "I'm not letting some man bully you into thinking that the dress your wearing is to tight."

"But-" Catrina stopped her "no buts." As they reached Walter Catrina scoffed "I'd hate for them to see my closet if they have a problem with your dress."

Lucy smiled leaning into the girls arm to hug her. "Yes I'm sure your legging and bra's would scare them away." Vikki laughed as the girls though back to the little fashion show they put on months ago when Walter had let them shop for some new outfits online. "Kitty's clothes are so pretty." Lucy agreed "mine are to bri" Catrina shushed her quickly "stop Lu. Your clothes match your personality."

"Holidays." Walter sighed "they seem to make  everyone miserable."

Catrina sent him a glare "I'm blaming you." She spoke causing Walter to look at her confused "what did I do?" He questioned innocently while wrapping his arms around Catrina and Viktoria to bring them in the house. "Four days ladies, just four days."

Hours Later

Catrina was ready to pull out her hair after hearing some of her cousins wives talk about how she could please Walter during intercourse.

Who uses the word intercourse anymore?

She could hear Lucy and Vikki getting talked to about their wardrobe choices and she could literally feel the anger flowing throughout her body making her shake.

"I'm going to go talk to Walter." She tried to excuse herself from the conversation but they women seemed to disagree "he's talking to the elders you shouldn't interrupt it's very unlady like."

Catrina wanted to slap her, but she simple smiled "I'm sure it'd will be fine." She told them before turning away from them and letting the fake smile drop and turn into a glare.

'Good thing I'm not a lady bitch!' She though while walking into the conversation from behind Walters chair, getting his attention by touching him on the shoulders. "I'm going up to my room I'm not feeling well." She lied "Lucy is coming with me."

She wanted to get Lucy out of this room now, they were treating her horrible. "I'm sure that's not a good idea you wouldn't want people to believe your engaging in sexual relations like modern day whores." A man she hadn't met but resembled Lucy with his blonde hair and blue eyes spoke.

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