cast fun ☆

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real life !

Evelyn yawned as she began to wake up. She lifted her head up and realized Miguel's presents was gone. After she sat there for a god 3 minutes slowly waking herself up, she walked over to the kitchen where the rest of the cast was eating breakfast.

"Wow, look who finally decided to wake up." Tristan said, patting the girls head as she walked up next to him. Evelyn quickly swatted his hand away causing most of the group to laugh.

"What time is it?" Evelyn yawned, covering her mouth. Madeleine turned on her phone before she replied.

"11:37" She said as Evelyn stretched out her arms. The group started talking about the premiere, it remember Evelyn that her sister wasn't going to make it. Evelyn hasn't responded to her texts yet, not really knowing how to reply. 

"Hey Maddie, once everyone leaves can your mom take us to my house so I can pack a couple suitcases.. Anna left yesterday without even telling me." Evelyn scoffed, taking a spoon full of lucky charms into her mouth.

"What do you need a suitcase for?" Becca asked, listening into the two girls conversation. The rest of the cast heard, causing them all to have a curious look on their face.

"Oh, Anna got caste for the new season of Euphoria and she left to Georgia for filming without giving me a heads up, so I'm going to be staying with Maddie while she's gone." Evelyn said.

The group of friends didn't really know how to respond to that, they were all happy for Anna but obviously Evelyn wasn't to happy about it. They all tried to comfort Evelyn about the situation but she shrugged it off, not wanting to ruin the mood.

"My mom is almost here for me and Mason." Miguel said as he looked down at his phone, Evelyn assumed he was just texting his mom back.

"I guess Tris and I will leave when they do." brady said as he ran his hand through Tristans hair, messing it up. Tristan swatted his hand away in annoyance, pulling out his phone to fix his hair.

Evelyn pulled out her phone to post the pictures she took yesterday at the beach. Everyone else was on their phone, but continued to talk about random things they see on TikTok or Instagram.


instagram !

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