Chapter 3. Will They Believe Us?

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Player and Veteran were at Players house, planning how to tell others about the whole situation. Both of them weren't sure how would everything go.

Player noticed something weird about this day, the voice was quiet this whole time. It's already 12:00 and the voice hadn't said anything. But Player wasn't worried about that much. "Ugh this stresses me out" Veteran groaned leaning on Players shoulder. "I know Vet" Player sighed. It wasn't that easy to form a logical story of this all. It was almost the same as if you let your keyboard randomly type in words and then try to make a text with sense. After a little silence moment Player remembered something and said: "Hey, I just realized something" "What is it?" "I remember that Mr. Cheese knows about this thing too. We've talked about this sometimes, and he knew this even before me" Veteran looked at Player showing a surprised smile "Wait really?" Player nodded, and then said: "I think we need just tell everything exactly how it happened. I'm sure everybody is still worried about what happened then"

"Yep you're right" the voice said suddenly, first using Players body to talk, then transformed into It's usual form. "Geez you scared us" Player said looking angrily at the red cloudy figure standing next to him. "Sorry. But anyways I was checking what your friends were doing" "Stalker" Veteran said sarcastically. "Yeah maybe, but I had to do it. I analyzed how It's better to tell about me and the situation." "So what's the plan then?" Player and Veteran asked almost at the same time.

The voice started explaining the plan to them. It was pretty simple, because it said that it would take care of 80% of the plan and they would do the rest. "But are you sure they will believe us? I know that everyone is curious and all that, but still this all sounds crazy as heck." Veteran asked still being unsure. The voice didn't say what it will do, so it said : "Don't worry, that's my part of the plan" Those words were confusing, because they still didn't give clear image of what will the voice do. "Maybe you didn't know, but I can read and talk in other people minds. So if someone won't believe you, I will try to make them believe you."
At first Player and Veteran weren't sure about that, but if you think about it, if not everyone will believe this story, they will stay here and refuse to leave. Then not everyone would escape and be free.

Later that day, Captain sent code in discord to join the lobby. Player and Veteran joined as well, and got ready for others to start telling the weird story. Still there was only 4 people in the lobby, but Captain immediately ran to Player and hugged him. "Bestie I'm glad you're okay!" He said looking happy as always. "You're too sympathetic Captain" Player said. "Yeah get away from my bff >:[" Player looked at Veteran with a look that said: you do understand that we already accepted that Cap calls me bestie, but still doesn't mean it.
"Okay okay sorry" He said rolling his eyes. "Anyways Player can you tell what the heck happened with you after you killed No-visor" Captain asked with pure curiosity. "I think It's better to tell it when everyone is here. I'm sure they want to hear about it too."

Time passed and people started to fill up the lobby. And when people noticed Player they would immediately run to him and ask dozens of questions. Player was still very surprised about how everyone was worried about him. He was nervous about how everyone will react to everything that he will tell. But as the voice told him he would only need to tell the story and not worry at all. Now when everyone was in the lobby it was time to explain everything. And so when everyone was listening to him, telling the crazy story he experienced in that horrible night he was also slowly showing the voice. It actually came by itself shocking and scaring everyone a bit. But it quickly took a form of an among us bean with a beanie and darker shade of red space suit, to be less scarier because his usual form would be a cloudy dark figure with red glowing eyes. But it had still those red glowing eyes, because there is a twist about them. It can hypnotize someone by only one slight look at them. Usually it would affect everyone and make believe every word that the owner of the voice would say, but Captain and Mr. Cheese were the ones who could somehow resist it. Even though they didn't know about the hypnosis, they could clearly feel little dizziness and unsure feeling about their own thoughts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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