Dustin's first birthday

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*9 weeks later*

It's Dustin's first birthday today. Poor Y/N was crying last night because her baby boy is growing up so fast. I heard Dustin in his new room, I got out of bed and went to him. He was standing up in his crib ready for me to get him, I picked him up from out of his bed.

Eddie: "Happy birthday buddy, your growing up way too fast"

I heard Y/N coming from our bedroom into the doorway.

Y/N: "Happy birthday Dustin, I can't believe your one already"

Dustin: "Baby sister say happy birthday"

Y/N: "Aww baby sister isn't out yet"

Eddie: "She will soon buddy"

Y/N: "Hopefully"

We all went downstairs to the living room where all of Dustin's presents were. We got him 4 presents altogether. When we brought him down he saw the presents and immediately ran to them, Y/N was almost crying she was so emotional about her baby boy turning 1. Y/N gave him a little box, he opened it and it was a toy of Thomas the tank engine, he's obsessed with that show. The other three presents were some toys that he can chew on cause he's in the teething stage. We gave him his favourite breakfast when he was done opening his presents, at around lunch time Robin, Steve and Nancy came to see Dustin.

Nancy: "Happy birthday Dustin"

Robin: "Happy birthday my only nephew"

Steve: "Happy birthday Dustin, we all got him something together"

Y/N: "Aww, say thank you Dustin"

Dustin: "Thank you Dustin"

We all laughed at him, Y/N brought Dustin into the living room with the present that they all got him.

Nancy: "How do you guys feel about Dustin turning 1"

Eddie: "Well Y/N has been really emotional about it, I'm trying not to cry"

Robin: "Aww well I mean it is quite big for your first child to be 1"

Eddie: "Thank you guys for coming, do you want to come in for a cup of tea or coffee"

Steve: "Sorry Eddie but this is Robin and I's lunch break so we got to get back to work"

Nancy: "I have to head back to work too we're very sorry"

Eddie: "That's completely fine guys but thanks for coming"

All: "See you later"

They all left and went back to work. The kids had school and homework to do so they said that they'll be up on Saturday or Sunday, Joyce and Hopper went away for the week, my uncle is 4 hours away and Y/N's mom is 2 hours away so we said to them that during the weekend we'll go to them. For the rest of the day we watched some kid movies with Dustin, he had a lot of fun. We put him to bed at 7 because he fell asleep, he was exhausted. We stayed up for a few hours, Y/N seemed like she was going to cry.

"Darling are you ok"

"My son has turned 1 it's just really overwhelming"

"I know, I was trying not to cry all day"

"It's very hard"

"I know but at least we have another one"

"Yeah that's a good thing"

"Do you want to go to bed"


We went to bed and fell asleep shortly after we went up.


I heard Y/N scream from downstairs, I ran downstairs to her, she was leaning against the counter in pain. I ran over to her and grabbed her face.

"Hey what's wrong"

"I'm having really bad pai-AHHH"

I heard something like a liquid land on the floor. I looked down, there was water all over the floor.



"I think my water just broke"

End of chapter 38

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