23: Don't Tell Me

Start from the beginning

Taiya had a horrible feeling in his gut as the Pussycats gave them a little more exposition. He didn't like the description of the camp they were giving him. Plus, the fact they were playing up the cat thing with no cat related quirks (at least that he could see) was really annoying. 

He just didn't think he'd enjoy this. 

"Those fucking fake-cat-face-paint motherfuckers are going to feel my wrath.". 

So yeah. He was right. 

"C'mon Tachibana, its not so bad." Midoriya said with a smile. "You're doing very well destroying the earth monsters.". 

Now that word of his foul mouth in battle was out, Taiya no longer felt like he had to sensor himself. Well, there was still a lot of censorship, don't get him wrong, but there was less of it. Especially at times like these. 

Not that he had ever been in this particular situation at any prior point in his life. This was completely new. 

"There's dirt in my socks. If I don't get to shake them out soon I'm going to start biting them." The teen seethed. Midoriya just laughed sheepishly. 

Taiya sighed and rushed at another of the earth monsters, slashing with his claws until it started to disappear. 

Another creature appeared behind him, roaring and slinking along the ground before 'jumping' at him. 

The teen quickly kicked in in the head, turning that portion of its body to nothing but dust. Unfortunately in the process he involuntarily used the claws on his toes, meaning when he dropped back to the ground his shoes were ruined. 

"Just great." He muttered. 

"Hey, hey-" Mina called out, sneaking up behind him. "Doesn't this remind you of 'Acorn Hunt?'?". 

Acorn Hunt was one of his more recent movies that did include a scene where his character fought a bunch of monsters in the woods. 

"It kinda does." He admitted. "I mean, I didn't do much of the actual fighting. It was mostly a stunt person, but yeah. There's a similar vibe.". 

"We should try the tree boost move!" The girl said excitedly. 

Another monster roared. "Do you wanna throw or be thrown?". 

"Be thrown please!" She laughed. Taiya nodded and drug his claws into the best weight bearing tree. He climbed out onto the branch and waited for the monster to notice him. 

He hung his legs over the side of the branch that faced the monster and held his arms out. "You ready?" He asked. 

"Hell yeah!" Mina replied with a wide grin. She started running at him, jumping right as she got towards him. 

Taiya used all his strength to swing under and hurl Mina at the monster. She got some great air and came down on the monster with so much force it was startling. 

He had done the swing part right, and had let himself get pulled off the branch, landing on his feet. He remembered being told by the stunt person doing that part of the move during the filming that doing it wrong would 'break your back like a toothpick. And toothpicks never have clean breaks.'. 


But as well meaning as Mina had been, she had managed to remind him of his real job at a time he definitely didn't want to think about it. 

'One less dirt monster, one more stressor' Taiya thought to himself, shaking his head and moving to keep up with his class. He was luckily towards the front, and didn't fall back much. 

"When'd you get fucking lazy?" Bakugou asked from his place high in the treetops, blasting the shit out of one of their many adversaries. 

"Fuck off, firecracker." Taiya retorted, jumping insanely high before coming down on one of the nearby monsters. He split the thing right down the middle and shot Bakugou a cocky look. 

Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked away for a moment. 

That was probably the only part of his life that wasn't awkward. Taiya's relationship was the same as it had always been. 

At least it was on his end. It wasn't on Bakugou's definitely not fine. Not normal. That last argument, Katsuki still couldn't quite wrap his head around everything that happened there, and how he felt about it. He felt so....conflicted 

He wasn't exactly great at identifying emotions. All he knew was that he was constantly frustrated by Tachibana and everything he did. No matter what that gloomy-haired bastard did it always seemed to piss him off. 

While he was brooding, Tachibana had managed to kill two more monsters. See, this is what he meant. Frustrating. 


I'm so excited for this arc! 

There's so many good things going on in this fic rn. There's Bakugou's anger, the unresolved Uraraka thingy, the training camp and Aizawa telling Taiya to leave and after last chapter, Shinso too. 

They're gonna have an interesting relationship, let me just say that. And this arc is gonna be fun (not for you guys, but for me 😈) 

Super sorry about the delay in updates. I've been so ridiculously busy these past few weeks. I literally am too tired to write sometimes, which sucks cause its my stress relief. I've probably mentioned that exact complaint before. 

I mentioned in the last author's note that I was writing a new fic, and I can now confirm its coming out soon! Its a very new concept for me, and I think fanfic in general, so I'm so hyped for it!! 

Stay tuned! 

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