Chapter 1

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"Sam!" I yelled. "Sam, where are you?".

"Here!" came a reply. "under the porch". I went rushing over to the porch.

"Oh, Sam, thank goodness your alive!". I said, rather loudly. "Quick, we better get moving, the tornados almost here!".

"Alright". So we stood up and started to run. But we had one major problem, where would we go? Home was crossed off the list and our nearest family member lived 100 kilometres away!

"Sam" I said "We need to make a plan"

"Plan, what plan?"

"Where are we going to go?" I said in a worried voice. "Because the whole village has been destroyed!".

"Grannies" Sam said. "we have to go to Grannies".

"But thats 100 kilometers away! It will take forever!" I moaned.

"I know" Sam admitted. "But its the only hope we have got". So we set off in what we thought was the right direction to Grannies place. 'This is weird' I thought. 'Trusting my little brother on something so big!'.

"Hey, Jessica, look at this!" Sam yelled. "It's some sort of fossil". I ran over to where Sam was looking. "Woah, it looks like some sort of fish!" I said, excitedly. "Maybe it's Nemo!"

"hahaha" Sam laughed. "Very funny, but nows not time for joking around".

"Yep, your right little bro, come on". So, taking the fossil with us, we started running again.

"Jess" Sam moaned. "Can we sit down now?" I looked back at where the tornado was.

"Yes, but only for a minute".

"Thanks" Said Sam. "Hey Jess, you really are the best sister ever!"

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