A bit of bad behaviour

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Today is already a terrible day, I thought miserably. Was it day? Was it night? Or was it somewhere in the eternal and inevitable in between? No stars blinked back at me from the open window, no sun attempted to blind the pits of hell in my blackened soul, no sunrise depressed me with the prospect of another tedious day, and no sunset promised I would be plunged into another eternity of darkness. I was somewhere in the in between, or maybe the weather was just a little dreary today. No time to dwell on the happenings of the outside world. They are repetitively boring and precariously pointless. The only way to get on in this strange consciousness they call life is to be alone. Alone in the universe. Alone in darkness. Alone in the weariness every human soul possesses. Oh well. Today was a miserable day. The walls were the same as the day before, and the infuriating sounds of petty bickering were audible outside my room. Enoch, at your service. In case you hadn't guessed. I forced my brain to drag my legs out of the door, ready to disappear into the world of the living and the dead. Preferably the dead. I walked out into the corridor.

"Morning, my dear Enoch. Wouldn't go in there, if I were you. Been eavesdropping for a while now. Doesn't sound pleasant. I wouldn't know."

From the appearance that I was speaking to Air, I assumed Millard had taken up residence in the corridor this morning. Naked, as usual. You get over that part...its not like you can actually see he's naked. Whatever was going on in that room, there was no way I was going to let it slide without taking a little peek.

"Move, Nullings. Haven't you got better things to do than eavesdrop on corridors all morning? Miss P will have you for that, not that I care. Actually, I do care, and therefore please continue. Dinner times are awfully boring with everyone being so goodie goodie after everything that's been going on. A bit of bad behaviour that isn't my fault would be welcomed."

I assumed, again, that Millard was displaying a rather distasteful expression. Oh, I do love it sometimes when you can't see him. I shoved past him and opened the door next to the chair he'd been sat on. It was the door to Jacob's room, and Millard knows I can't resist a chance to get Jake into trouble. I shook my sleeve and sent a tiny revived mouse-soldier into the room, under the door. A few minutes later, there was a high-pitched scream coming from the direction of the room. I cackled loudly as Jacob yelled my name. As soon as I got my expected signal, I entered into the usual morning scene. I was surprised they hadn't learnt their lesson yet, what with me sending a new little guy into the room at this exact time for three mornings in a row now. First a rat, then a toad, a rather hilarious hedgehog, and now a mouse. Jacob and Noor had been inseparable ever since we had returned from The Library Of Souls, and I have taken it upon myself to...disturb that inseparability. Actually, I consider this as doing everyone a bit of a favour. Jacob stood at the door, his face flushed, half from embarrassment and half from anger, presumably. I raised my eyebrows at him. Noor crawled across the bed on her knees and burped a ball of light into my face.

"Get it out. Now," Jake managed to struggle out through gritted teeth. I pretended to sigh over my obvious grin. As soon as I'd retrieved the mouse, I burst out laughing, thinking of how wonderfully entertaining it is to destroy the fickle promise of young love.

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