I open up a foil packet, sending him a soft smile. "I never thought I'd say this, but I want to. I just...need to be in control, okay? Please don't touch me. I-I want to get over my fear, and if I can just..."

"Use me," Lincoln says and smiles genuinely, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's okay, Sienna. I'm all yours for the taking."

With shaky hands, I roll the condom on his cock which is standing on attention still. Just the motion makes Lincoln's eyes roll to the back of his head. I've never wanted to do this with another man. I've never felt the need to please someone, but I want Lincoln to erupt inside of me. I want to watch his face while I ride him.

Climbing on top of him, he groans and I haven't even slid his cock in yet. "No touching," I plead.

"No touching," he replies shakily.

I haven't felt someone go inside of me when I've wanted it, and as I drive Lincoln's tip inside, I almost cry at how different it feels from what I remembered the last time. This time it doesn't hurt. It doesn't feel like I'm being ripped apart from the inside out. This time it feels...good. Like a missing piece to a puzzle I've been trying to put together forever.

"You're so god damn wet," Lincoln seethes, squeezing my sheets tightly beside him with closed fists, "and tight, oh fuck, baby."

I sink further onto him, halfway down his shaft, and my walls open up as they get used to his size. I slide up and down, over and over, until finally, I gasp when he's fully hilted inside of me.

Then I moan as I begin to move. A moan I've never released before. It's mixed with happiness, confusion, and sadness from how long I've held myself back from feeling like this. How long I've denied myself this pleasure because of a stupid fucking prick.

"Do you want to stop?" Lincoln bites back his moans, and just from the look in his eyes, I know I should trust him. He would stop if I asked him to right now.

I relax my body on top of his, my hair framing a cocoon of intimacy between us, and I hover above his lips, debating on finally kissing him. I've held myself back because I'm afraid that once I do this...I'm never going to be able to stop.

But even as I ride him right now, I know I already won't be able to stop. I'm in pure and utter bliss.

Scanning his eyes, he nods and tentatively leans up to press his lips against mine, and as soon as they touch, our bodies seem to melt further into each other's, forming as one.

"Please, move," I pant against his lips as I continue to ride him. He's been true to his word about me being in control, lying as still as a statue despite his eyes begging me for more. He doesn't fight my command, gently tilting his hips up to meet mine, and the pure sensation of pleasure has me calling out his name.

I kiss him again as he moves inside of me, each stroke going deeper than the last. I coerce his mouth to open with a dart of my tongue against his lips, so he gives me access and groans when I explore the roof of his mouth.

Nothing has ever felt better. Lincoln, who is normally full of dirty talk, is speechless, and I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.

His body is sweating beneath mine as I slide up and down him, both of us panting and out of breath. I suck his tongue, and then he moans loudly again, clutching onto the sheets beside him even tighter. He's using every last ounce of self-restraint.

Breaking away from the kiss, I lean down to his ear to whisper, "I want your cock to explode inside me, Lincoln." He practically whimpers at that as he throws his head back more on the pillow. "Maybe I'll get on birth control so that I'll be able to feel your come drip out of me. I bet you'd like to watch that, wouldn't you? Your come dripping out of my pussy?"

"Sienna," he seethes, and then his jaw does a twitching thing like he's trying to hold himself back. My release is building just like his, but I want him to go first.

I bend down to kiss his chest, swirling my tongue over the serpentine, which I've wanted to do since I met him. He hisses with pleasure, thrashing underneath me while he clutches onto my sheets.

"No touching," I plead when his hand tries to move to my ass. He nods immediately and puts his hand back down, sweat appearing above his brow.

"Let go," I whisper, smiling against his chest. I ride him up and down, milking him with my tightness. "You don't need to touch me, Lincoln, just let my pussy do all the work. Do you feel how tight it is for you?"

He nods desperately, still unable to say anything back.

"This pussy is begging you to fill it up. Give it to me."

"Fuck, I'm going to," he pants and thrusts deeper, earning a chortled scream from me in response. "Yeah, baby, that's it," he mutters harshly, eyes continuing to blaze directly into mine. He wants to go harder, and as much as I think I want him to be able to unleash himself fully onto me, I'm not ready for that yet.

Pushing my hand between our bodies, I brush gently against his balls, and with a roaring shout of release, Lincoln stills beneath me, and I feel the spurts from his twitching cock, which causes me to release my wave of orgasm as well, throwing my head back as my nails sink into his chest.

My orgasm is strong, and after Lincoln is done, I'm still coming, riding out my high as the wetness from me spills out onto his thighs. I can't stop coming, years of pent-up orgasms flooding out at once like Lincoln held the missing key.

"Yeah," Lincoln groans as he watches me, eyes going wide as I continue to come. "Let me touch you," he pleads. "Just your clit."

I nod immediately and let his fingers rub in circles on the sensitive bud, my shaking earth-shattering orgasm ripping through once more, and when I'm finished, when my sheets and Lincoln's thighs are soaking wet, I roll off of him and land on my back, panting heavily as I stare up at the ceiling.

Lincoln doesn't move for a good two minutes. I turn to glance at him, smiling when he does the same, and then we laugh. I laugh harder than I ever have, clutching onto my sides from the buzzing sensation going on throughout my body as he says, "holy fuck, Sienna."

"Holy fuck, indeed," I agree.

"Can I kiss you?"

I grin like a little kid on Christmas, rolling onto him once more. He kisses me deeply, tentatively stroking my hair until I lean in and allow him to cup my face to bring me closer. He pulls away to kiss my cheek, then my forehead, then my lips again. "What on earth did we just start?" he asks.

With a loud sigh of defeat, knowing that I will never be able to walk away from this now, I reply, "I have absolutely no idea."

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