Part 4 The scout squad

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3rd person POV:

Red Scout, Green Scout, and Survivor Scout were out on a mission when suddenly Red Scout started twitching and then his eyes turned red as he shot at the other two Scouts. Survivor Scout shot back and landed a hit to one of Red Scout's shoulders. However Red Scout still kept firing. Green Scout got shot 5 times by Red Scout and fell to the ground and died. Survivor Scout fled back to base using the trees and bushes to hide. 

Red Scout stood there for a moment before laughing like a maniac. Then Red Scout turned back to normal and saw what he did. He fell down out of guilt and laid down in the dirt path for a while before getting controlled again.

Scout Squad Status:

Report from: Multiple towers

Red Scout: Missing

Green Scout: Dead

Survivor Scout: Not injured but mentally affected by the experience

Scout: Sad after hearing what happened

Golden Scout: Somewhere with the other golden towers

Summer Scout: Unknown status

Other main towers status:

Minigunner: Good

Accelerator: Good

Crook Boss: Didn't say anything

Freezer: Injured but is healing

Medic: Nervous after the whole monster thing

Cowboy: Still Investigating why this is happening

John: Good

Motor: Good

Commander: Good

DJ: happy like usual

Hunter: Unknown

Soldier: Good

Sniper: Good

Engineer: Good

Pyromancer: Good

Ranger: Good

Ace pilot: ???

Pursuit: Good

Militant: ???

Turret: It's a turret it's not sentient so... Perfect Condition I guess

Monster: Good

(Yes I threw in the Monster unit even though it's an admin only unit)

(Also I got a little bit lazy on this one...)

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