being best friends with the group (platonic)

Start from the beginning

- it did not help :( 



- she gives you bows for no reason

- hugs. lots. of. hugs.

- you two have a special attack, she would hit the enemy repeatedly with her weapon (whether it be her plush, her bat or whatever) and you would nag it/mock it to make it angry/sad

- constantly brags about you being her best friend
"oh, y/n my best friend in the whole world, don't listen to KEL! He knows nothing."

- if you get turned to toast, she will cry and beg MARI to give you something, anything to help, no doubt

- when MARI has picnics,  she will ask you to twirl with her, she doesn't mind if you decline but you two have a nice time getting dizzy and twirling until you can't walk straight anymore, she thinks its good for your brain

- innocent bean


- oh dear

- will give you HECTOR for you to "take care" of because he trusts you with HECTOR

- you two play catch with his basketball a lot

- HERO is confused of why KEL got such a cool best friend (i need to stop bullying hero)

- when BERLY  ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶s̶  asks everyone to play hide and seek, he'll hide with you because he's ✨clingy✨

- you have to explain most things to him cause he's not the smartest

- rambles to you about nothing and everything

- honestly cannot function  without you because you are just that important to him :)


- ok first off he will bake you anything you want, change my mind

- the king of comfort

- if you have a fear of spiders too, he'll be scared shitless with you

- the unstoppable duo

- in the neighbor's room, he'll purposely let you win at cards (then KEL bullies him for "losing")

- if you are a little bit on the chaotic side, he will attempt to calm you down a lot, most times it works but if it doesn't he'll just let it go and let you be the chaotic lil person you are

- if he thinks a boss is to strong and you're on low health, he'll stand in front of you to protect you awww

- when he turned into bossman HERO, you and aubrey snapped him out of it by crying 

- he apologized to you sincerely and you forgave him and you two hugged

- awh :)




- when he became a hikikomori/shut in, you were not happy

- actually, not happy is an understatement

- basically you figured out that MARI's death was NOT a suicide because of your super cool detective skillz (with a z)

- and you were pretty angry with SUNNY

- well, you were still best friends and you didn't hate him

- I mean, there's an explanation for everything, right?

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