"Of course not My Lord,"

"Good. Now, it's your turn, tell me, Luitenant Y/n, why is it that every Harbinger you've worked under refuses to say a bad word about you. I mean, Childe would obviously say kind words about you, however I find it hard to believe that Sandrone and Scaramouche both liked you."

Well that was unexpected.

"I'm afraid I don't know how to answer your question, Lord Harbinger,"

If he kills me for that I swear on all that is holy that I will come back and haunt this lab.

"It's very simple Luitenant, what about you is so special that even Scaramouche can't help but tell everyone how much of an amazing assistant you are?"

You were now stunned, you had no idea Scaramouche thought of you so highly.

"You really don't know, do you?" You shook your head at the Harbingers question, "Well I suppose it can't be helped, but don't think thats the last of my questions, I haven't even asked you about your time at the Akademiya,"

Of course.

When most people heard you had graduated from Sumeru Akademiya they obviously had questions. You were rather proud of your accomplishments there, you were one of the top scorers in your class and an expert in your field. However, you didn't expect The Doctor to be interested in your time there. After all, he was 'Teyvat's smartest man' albeit self-proclaimed, he did have genius level intellect, despite his arrogant attitude.

Many rumours even suggested he was an outcast at the Akademiya, according to those rumours, he was expelled early into his time there, then he was found by Pierro who recruited him into the Fatui. They were just rumours though so you did your best to turn your mind away from what you had heard about him in fear he would read your mind and punish you for your thoughts.

"Enlighten me then, Luitenant, how is it such a highly respected scholar now finds themself serving Her Majesty and Her Harbingers" his words were laced with venom, and every time he spoke you swore you could see his face contorting into a grimace.

"I agree with Her Majesty's values, everything She stands for I agree with. So I thought the best way to put my skills and knowledge to use was to join a cause I agreed whole-heartedly with,"

You seaeched for any resemblance of emotion on his face, but found no hints to how The Doctor felt about your statement.

"Your answers are mediocre at best, but you certainly have potential. I trust you have your own questions, so I will put my little investigation on hold. For now, if there's anything you would like to know I suggest you ask now," You were suprised to see the man before you was now smiling.

"I actually have a few, I appologise if these are too far-fetched My Lord, but I would like to know, how many of your, uhm... segments will I be working with? Also will I mainly be doing paperwork and material gathering? Or will there be other matters for me to attend to?"

He gave a low chuckle that reverberated around the room as he leaned back in his chair.

"For now, it will mostly be paperwork though soon you should be working in the lab, if you last that long that is. You will be asked to collect materials and attend meetings along with my segments aswell. To answer your question about them, it depends how well you preform in the lab, if they want to meet you and most importantly, what you are doing. 219 mainly handles paperwork and events therefore you met him first, it's hard to say just how many you will meet, but you won't have to worry about remembering them all."

You let out a small sigh of relief. You had no idea how many of 'him' there were, but if Clone 219 was the 219th model, then you didn't want to find out how many others there were roaming around.

"Well, I suppose that is all. I trust you've finished the paperwork you were given so you're welcome to take the rest of today off, just don't forget to leave them on 219's desk. Oh and tell him I want to see him,"

With those last words you stood up and bowed your head at the Harbinger, who looked unfazed by your gesture, you proceeded to leave his office shutting his door tightly behind you.

"So? Did he buy your act dipshit?" Clone 219 stood infront of you with a stack of papers in his hands.

"Yes he did, blue tit. Also you were right he is terrifying,"

The segment stood stunned at your words. "First, I'm always right and second, I could have you killed for that nickname,"

"Would you prefer I call you toothpaste?"

"Blue tit is fine, so long as you mean the bird. Also, are you going to leave me in the dark or are you going to tell me what he said?" He spoke as if you two were close friends rather than Harbinger and assistant.

"He was basically just asking me questions and threatening me, also he said he wants to see you,"

His face dropped and he power walked over to his desk and put his papers down before walking back over to you.

"Just make sure you leave those papers on my desk," he gave you a nod before straightening his bow tie and walking into Prime's office.

You immediately went back to your office and brought the papers down, you wanted to eavesdrop so bad, but you didn't want to think of the punishments you'd get for doing so.



i dont think i mentioned it bfr but y/n graduated from sumeru cuz we r like a nerd or smth 😒


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