Forty-Seven: Looking for Answers

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*(Y/N) POV*

Two weeks after Rengoku's death I was sat next to Giyuu, my back against his side with his arm around me, and reading my book as he read his. It was a book that we had on all of the known demon blood arts. 

I shook my head and slammed the book shut. I felt him rub my arm trying to ease the tension. 

"We'll find something. I'm sure of it," he spoke and pressed his lips to my head. 

I sighed, "I don't know Giyuu, Master has never seen anything like my family nor the Kamado family. I'm not sure we will find anything." 

"There has to be more information somewhere. Maybe your family has something. Have you considered going back?" He asked me. 

I turned to him annoyed, "Going back? Giyuu why would I travel across an ocean to go back to a family who threw me into this life to save themselves. They don't care about anything I've been through! Not to mention that demons are at an all time high right now!" 

He tightened his grip, grabbing my hand. I heard him sigh, "I know. Trust me I know. I also know that you want answers. The only way you will get them is from the source."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "You're right. I just can't do that. Not now."

Removing his hand from being wrapped around my body I slowly got up from our place on the couch. I walked toward the kitchen to make some tea. My mind raking over everything I know. 

The Kamado siblings are similar to Giyuu and I. For some reason Nezuko calms down with Tanjiro there. Perhaps it's due to the fact that she may have some humanity left in her. It's as though we have the opposite issue. Her humanity lingering, and my demon blood lingering. 

Some how though, those pieces still impact us. She doesn't eat humans and I have the inability to control my emotions around those my mind deems dangerous. Her demon blood art is quite literally demon blood art and my breathing style is Blood Breathing. 

What am I missing? There can't be a connection between our families. Master would have told us by now. But there has to be something. 

As I pour my tea I feel Giyuu wrap his arms around my waist and drop his chin to my shoulder. "Mind if I have some?" 

I grab a second cup and pour him some. I slide the cup to the side so he can take it. He squeezes his arms tighter, "I'm sorry for pushing it. I know that you don't have the best connection with them but it might be worth it. At least try to send a letter."

I laughed, "Because our crows will fly across an ocean?" I felt him kiss the side of my neck, "You know, normal people send letters in the normal mail. Which you can definitely still do despite having a messenger crow." 

I smiled a bit as his sarcastic tone, "Mhm. I guess we're not that normal are we?" I turned my body so that I was facing him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Normal's boring anyway." He kissed the tip of my nose and gave me a smile. 

He took our cups to the living area and sat back down. I leaned back on the couch, taking my cup from his hand, and observed the room. 

We were seated in the Blood Estate, but the inside does not look anything like you would imagine. The inside doesn't give any hints that I am the Blood Hashira with the neutral tones and small hues of blue. 

I smiled to myself and looked at the painting to my left. A gift from Mitsuri shortly after Rengoku... It was a painting of Giyuu and I. I guess she had started it for a birthday gift, but gave it to me as soon as it was finished since we all needed something to make us smile. 

I placed my cup on the table in front of us and turned towards Giyuu. 

"Do you ever imagine what our life would be like if my family never sent me here? If you never went with Urokodaki-san?" I asked him. 

Giyuu looked at me with furrowed eyebrows, "I try not to. I don't really enjoy thinking of a life without you in it." I let another smile slip and leaned in to give him a kiss.

A knock on the door frightened me and I jumped back. Luckily Giyuu, who was still holding his tea, has amazing reflexes because the tea didn't spill, was placed on the table, and his arms were around me to prevent me from falling off the couch. 

I looked at him confused and worried since neither of us were expecting anyone. We were the only Hashira at the estates, the Kamado siblings and friends were out on a mission, and no one from the Butterfly Mansion would just stop by. 

I put my sword into its place and walked towards my door. There was another knock and I felt Giyuu behind me as I placed my hand on the door knob. He pushed against the door, stopping me from opening it. 

"I don't like this. No one knows you're a hashira other than those who stay on the estate or are in the corps. No one we know is home nor did we receive any notice by crow. Go upstairs," he whispered to me. 

I shook my head, my heart pounding in my chest. He removed his hand from the door, since his other was on his blade, and placed his free hand in mine as to remove it from the door. I know he is trying to calm me down and have me think rationally, but I already was doing so. 

"This place is surrounded my Wisteria flowers Giyuu. Nothing other than human can get through." 

"Not the path way (Y/N). You made sure so that Nezuko could get through," His voice was growing angry that I wasn't concerned. 

I had forgotten about that part. It doesn't matter though, "I can handle myself. Thank you though." I ripped his hand from mine and turned the door knob. 

Giyuu was standing directly behind me as I opened the door, ready to push me to safety if he needed. Not that he would, I can take care of myself. 

Other than that one time, but the demon got me from behind. Or that other time, but the demon was pretending to be Giyuu. 

Anyways, I opened the door and my eyes fell on the young girl standing in front of me. The familiarity of her human features trying to find a place in my mind. 

She gave me a relieved smile, "(Y/N). It's actually you." My face scrunched in confusion. Her voice. 

"Who are you? You're not from here. Your accent isn't like ours," Giyuu spoke from behind me, "It's like..." he paused. 

It's like mine. "(S/N). My sister." [S/N=Sister's Name]


Hi everyone! I hope you liked this chapter :) 

Any feedback is appreciated as always! I'm hoping to get another mission in here soon.


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