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Xie Lian leaves the exhibition without Shi Qingxuan, almost crying and incredibly overwhelmed.

He Xuan, the unusually kind stranger, to say they've just met and who is clearly hiding behind a mask, helps him into a taxi and pays for his ride home. Xie Lian refuses many times but it falls on deaf ears as He Xuan slips the money to the driver and grins at Xie Lian.

Then the window is rolled up and the car starts driving.

The ride is quiet. Xie Lian's mind races around all over the place. He Xuan for all he clearly hides is very knowledgeable. And his historical knowledge is incredibly accurate.

Throughout the whole conversation the two had sat in the quiet gallery Xie lian never doubted anything historical the man said. Even with Xie Lian's weirdly accurate knowledge of history, He Xuan was better. Xie Lian was only barely able to add in titbits here and there. And even then, it wasn't much.

『 "So you called his highness a monster?" He Xuan asks as the two take a seat. Xie Lian looks up. "So it really is a prince?" Xie Lian laughs. He Xuan nods. "Mmn. The crown prince of Xian Le. But he has a much more impressive title."

Xie Lian tilts his head. "He does? What is it? Did he become king?" He Xuan shakes his head. "The flower crown martial arts god." He says. "He ascended at 17, became a well loved god."

Xie Lian glanced towards that small painting. "But how far did he fall?" The boy asks. "How far must that title have been ruined and lost? That prince- that god, did not have it all."

He Xuan snorts. "So you know your history." He says. "I'm impressed."

Xie Lian shrugs. "Not really. I just have a gut feeling. It's like I know him. If I close my eyes I can see it." He says vaguely.

He Xuan pauses. "What can you see?"

"Red." 』

When the ride is over and Xie Lian is happily back on his sofa he finally allows his eyes to droop shut.

He wants sleep so badly that his mind happily goes blank in compliance.

Until it wasn't.

Colour blooms across closed eyelids and images start slotting together. Piece by piece. Until a whole world had been created. Then the world shatters when a voice that sounds awfully familiar rings out.

"San Lang!" Xie Lian screams sprinting over faster than he ever has to push the man back. Just a little nudge. Just so he won't be hurt by the cursed weapon. The god was moving way before Hua Cheng even saw it.

One look and Xie Lian knows he's going to take the hit. And one look is all he needs to know the sword had been enchanted with incredibly powerful evil intent.

Who knows what that would do to a ghost no matter how strong. It's best for a god of pure light to take the blow and see if he can fight whatever happens.

Besides what's the worst that can happen? He dies and becomes a ghost?

So He does as planned and hua Cheng stumbles back in shock. "Gege what's wro-" the ghost freezes. Taking in the others appearance.

Xie Lian stares back at him smiling. One feel is all it takes for Xie Lian to understand what he's just taken on. One feel is all he needs to know this won't end well.

"I'm go glad San Lang is okay." He speaks genuinely relived. Whilst also ignoring the huge issue of fighting off the pain he's never been accustomed too.

As an immortal Xie Lian has become rather reckless. Throwing his life around as if no one could take it, and no one could. Except the man who gave him immortality.

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