A few moments later he stirred, his king curls sticking to his flushed skin as he took in Louis' state. "I must say, my prince, there is something divine about royal knots. You put everyone else to shame."

"Oh, my pretty precious, your words wound me," Louis pulled the omega closer to his chest, his words mocking against Harry's ears. He kissed Harry's long neck, fingers tangling in his curls before Louis pulled on the locks, tilting the young omega's head as he whispered, "why must you mention those who aren't here and corrupt the moment? You are mine for the night, my precious, and for every remaining night of the summer. I shall take you as I wish and you will accept every second of it."

Louis' eyes darkened, pulling his hair tighter as the omega whimpered in pain, "y-yes, alpha."

"You reek." The echo of his sister's voice tore the silence into shreds, disgust in her words as it was in her eyes in the empty hallway. The night darkened in the windows, Leah's pallid skin evident even in the faintest glow of Louis' torch.

"You are awake awfully late, dear sister," Louis plastered smile on his face, strolling towards her. "Unable to fall asleep? Shall I lend you some herbs for a good sleep? I can make you a cup of tea if you'd like, sweet sister, add the herbs Mrs. Williams has brought."

"You reek." She spat again, her eyes hard.

"Oh, forgive me then. I must opt for a bath in an instant."

"The Styles pup wasn't in his chambers either. Tell me, brother," her eyes narrowed as she linked her arm with Louis', guiding him towards his chambers. A hush had befallen upon the castle in the wake of the night, torches dim. Even their breathes felt too loud in the silence. "Tell me why is it that each time I fail to locate you, it happens so that the Styles pup seems to vanish too? And then as you appear again, shabby might I add, reeking of him."

"I do not get what you are suggesting, dearest, but I might say, you are in dire need of a good sleep."

"Do not take me for a fool, Louis," she roared, her eyes dark and bitter. And there she was, the first born alpha in her manner, her lilt, her scent. "You end your façade from this day on. Do you have any notion of how scandalous it is? You taking advantage of that poor omega? Is he even aware that you have no intentions to marry him at all?"

"Oh, Leah, Leah," Louis chuckled, the blaze in the torch and her eyes dancing together. Why must everyone take Louis for a dimwit? He did not ask for the throne to begin with, let alone restrict himself for the sole sake of fitting the shoes of a monarch. "You are wise, dearest sister, awfully fucking wise. So I suggest you get acquainted with our guests, understand who is taking advantage of whom. I wish you a good night then," Louis turned around, hands on the knob of his door as fury rose in Leah's scent. "At least what is left of it."

His chamber was cold as he entered it, lit only by the moonshine that fell through the balcony, curtains opened and the chirps of the night insects loud. This was how he had always wanted to return to his chamber, void of any other soul's presence save his own. His bed was made immaculately, velvet covers heavy on it, the curtains of the posts tamed by a golden ribbon, chandelier hanging from the ceiling above.

What a waste of opulent beauty, for a bed had no use for Louis.

He stumbled, darkness covering the better half of the vast silence, hands finding his flask like a memorised poem.

"Tragic are those who do not admire this gold." Harry had once purred against Louis' ear while the two of them had shared a glass of whiskey a summer ago, Louis' bare skin against Harry's while the omega sat on his lap. Somewhere in his mind, Louis truly did believe that Harry was his true mate, from the way of his thinking to the manner of his lust, everything Louis ever craved for in a true mate. Too dire the omega was no ones. He knew he would never be able to keep Harry as his solely, knew too well that the omega was not one for love.

Harry was a sin, a prayer, a desire, something that Louis was undeniably absorbed to. He had known the omega his entire twenty and seven summers, had seen him as an infant, held him in fact, and watched him bloom into perfection over the past twenty and three years. And perfect he was, with skin like moonshine and eyes of the rarest jewels, long limbs and a narrow waist, his hips wide enough to carry pups. His hair was of the silks his mother paid a fortune to posses, blindlingly stellar and soft. But the most damnable prospect of him were his lips, plump and of the shade of blood. Oh the way he kissed, poisoning his lover's heart forevermore. How had anyone who ever had him let him go?

Louis chuckled into the darkness, emptying the glass he had poured himself. Harry truly was everything a prince should not desire for.


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