Chapter 3

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Alli's Perspective

"Come inside" Keaton whispered taking my hand and leading me inside. Max must be 

terrified right now. Why do I have to have such bad parents? "Go sit on the 

couch baby, I'll make you some tea" Keaton offered kissing my forehead lightly. 

Sitting on the couch,I watched him in the small kitchen. I looked down,noticing 

my engagement ring. I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me. Smiling,I 

fiddled with it, thinking about what it would be like after we got married. "You 

look deep in thought,care to talk?" Keaton asked taking a seat. "How many kids 

do you want?" I blurted out still playing with my ring. "Two would be nice" he 

fantasized,looking at me smiling. "Where do you want to live..?" I asked,nervous 

about the subject. "Well,I was thinking we should stay in Cali. But I mean where 

ever you want" he explained kissing my neck then my lips. "How soon do you want 

to have a baby?" He asked massaging my shoulders. I shrugged,honestly I haven't 

even thought about that. "I love you Alli" Keaton mumbled,pulling my onto his 

lap. "Ya know,we haven't had sex in months" he pointed out kissing my neck. 

"Don't you miss being intimate with each other?" He mumbled playing with the 

buttons of my shorts. 

"Keaton,you know why we haven't" I explained feeling uncomfortable and slightly 

moving away from him. "We can use a condom,please Alli" he whispered looking at 

me. "Nothing for sure" I whispered,moving away completely. "God dammit 

Alli,why?" He snapped looking at me with a mad face. "I told you why!" I yelled 

looking back at him. "BULLSHIT.AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?" He snapped. "I 


screamed getting up. He looked really angry now. "You've seen Drew and 

Cece,their barely keeping it together Keats. They were so happy before Max,but I 

feel like their just together so Max has somewhat of a stable family. Keaton,you 

don't just have kids to have kids. You have kids when you know your completely 

sure that you can provide for them" I explained looking down and fiddling with 

my ring. "I'm sorry" he choked out before walking outside on the front porch to 

calm himself down.

Keaton's Perspective

Sorry's are the Hardest

I leaned my head into my hands. What have I turned into? How could I get so 

wrapped up in wanting Alli's body that that was all I cared about? Especially 

when we were finally in a good place. Alli was right like always. We needed to 

stable before we did that. My slowly lifted up when I heard the squeaky door 

open and the floorboards creak. Alli was holding onto the door, hesitating as to 

Once Upon A Time (sequel to Our Little Secret)Where stories live. Discover now