When the bell rang, the teacher entered quickly and greeted everyone before he looked at Naomi's direction.

"Well, look who's back." He cheered and smiled at everyone. The class looked at her direction, didn't notice her here before.

"Ms. Scott! How's the emergency back in Chicago?" He asked. Naomi sinked at her sit and cleared her throat.

"It was fine." She answered. With that, he started his classes.

"Welcome back." She looked in front of her just to see Jonathan Byers. She completely forgot that they have the same chemistry class.

"Thank you." She answered sincerely, smiling at him.

"How are you?" He asked, "if you don't mind me asking." He added, considering that this is their first actual conversation, he didn't want to cross the line.

"I'm fine." Again, she answered truthfully. There's actually nothing for her to be sad about. I mean, Naveen's alive. Making friends and attending school, they just don't know that.

"That's good." He smiled before sitting straight and listened to the teacher's lecture.


During lunch, all they ever talk about is Naomi's arrival. She actually received twenty-one questions on "what emergency happened?"

And everytime that they questioned her about that particular question she always answered with; "Family issues."

People don't actually ask what type of family issues that happened because it's 'crossing the line' so they always leave it just like that.

People are always easy to read.

What she didn't read is how her only female friend, Robin Buckley, is now currently ignoring her. She waved at her when they crossed path in the hallways but she just walked past her.

She didn't remember being in her bad side. They never actually fought!

She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know if Billy would talk to her. Until it hit her.

She didn't say goodbye to any of them.

She just left.

She have to fix that. She couldn't leave it just like that. Robin is her first female friend that doesn't have any idea of what's happening in the small town. She could use the insights of somebody that doesn't have to worry if those monstrous creatures came back for some reason.

While, Billy, is her first ever friend. He helped her gain more friends, like what she wanted. He helped her live a little, be a teenager. He showed him that she could just be herself. He's special to her, in a way.

She really don't know if Billy would be happy to see her, she haven't seen him yet.

For now, she'll need to woo her friend, Robin Buckley.

She followed Robin when she saw her entered the gymnasium, holding some big bag with her. She opened the doors of the gymnasium and searched around to catch the glimpse of the girl.

She saw some students holding some instruments. That's when it hit her.

Robin is part of the school band!

How could she forget?

Was she really being a bad friend?

She saw the short-haired girl in the bleachers, puttting her bag and pulling her instrument out. She doesn't have any idea what the instument is, but she know it's something you have to blow.
This is the reason she didn't accept Robin's proposal in the first place. She doesn't have any idea about instruments.

She was about to run in her direction when somebody grabbed her arm. She hastily turned around to grab her arm back when she came face to face with Billy.

"Naomi?" He asked, brows furrowing.

"Billy!" She said, surprised. She scanned him head to toe and saw him in his sports attire, which consists of him only wearing some shorts leaving him half-naked.

"When did you came back?" He asked, a smile forming in his face.

"Just now." She breathed out, happy to see Billy not that angry about her departure.

"That's good. Hey, I'll talk to you later. Coach will be mad at me if he see me slacking." He said before waving goodbye and running away.

After he was gone, she looked around after hearing a blast of sound, indicating the start of band practice.

She saw Robin standing in the back row and focused in blowing her instrument. She quickly sat in one of the bleachers and waited for Robin to look in her way. When she did, she waved at her, but she continued to ignore her.

She waited for the band to finish their meeting about the next practices before jumping to her feet, ready to run in Robin's direction.

A whistle.

She heard a whistle before a group of boys started running everywhere. Some even blocking her direction, making her miss Robin, who seems to be in a hurry.

A very heavy and forceful shoulder collided with hers causing her to lose her balance. Her whole body ready for the hard impact.

However, what she felt is an arm encircled in her waist, preventing her from falling to the hard floor.

She looked up immediately just to see Billy, looking down at her.

"That was a close one---"

"Yeah, it was. Thank you, Billy. See you. BYE!!" She waved immediately, head whipping around just to catch a glimpse of the short- haired girl.

But she was no where to be seen.

"Damn it, Robin."

Damn it, Indeed.


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