Strangest Night

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Of course, a rainy night. Flan was peacefully sleeping, clutching her fluffy; soft blanket. Thunder struck, but she didn't seem to care. She was sleeping so comfortably. The person she trusted most was of course, Ivan.

A peep; a creak was heard. Flan could hear it easily, and she jumped up. She would then remember this happens a bit often. She yawns, putting her hand on her mouth. She then lets go of the yawn and takes it off. She looks around the room, doing a quick little scan. She lays back down and tries to go back to sleep.

The trying to go back to sleep thing was a fail. She couldn't sleep that night. It had only been a few days after her and Ivan made flower crowns; she thought. A shatter was heard from her kitchen, so she jumps up. She walks over to the sound, making a creaking noise, considering her wooden floor. As she arrived to the sound, glass was on the floor. 'Huh..?.. who.. broke my window?' Flan was very confused, and couldn't help but stare at the window and not pay attention to her surroundings.

Someone comes up from behind, and knocks her out. Her body is dragged across the floor, slightly injuring her because of the shards of glass, making a dragging sound.

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