chapter 10 the end.

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Nunew woke up and didn't see zee. He only saw a note on the night stand.

The note.

I had to sign one more paper for the divorce. I'll be back later I promise. I made you some breakfast.

Nunew put the paper back on the night stand and got up from bed. He walked in the kitchen and saw food on the counter.

He set down and started eating. He texted Nat to see what he was doing today.

Nunew: hey Nat , what are you doing today?

Nat: me and yim was planning to go to the movies today , do you wanna come?

Nunew: sure😊.

Nat: see you soon then.

Nunew got changed and then headed to meet Nat. He met Nat at the mall with yim.

They walked into the movies together and brought the movie tickets.

They say down with their popcorn and sodas.


Zee met Sandra at poppy's house. ( That is where Sandra is staying ).

He walked in and poppy just glares at him. Zee glares back at him.

Sandra: I'll go get the paper real quick.

Zee: alright.

Sandra left the room. Poppy rolls his eyes and goes into another room. Zee notices poppy's phone on the coffee table. He quickly walks over to it.

He tries 3 different passwords but they don't work. he then tries Sandra's birthday and it works.

Zee quickly goes to his photos. He sees the video and quickly deleted it. He hears Sandra come back in. He quickly turns the phone off and sets it on the coffee table.

Sandra gave zee the paper to sign. Zee sighned it and left. He was so relieved that the video is gone.

Zee went back home. He didn't see nunew.

Zee texting nunew...

Zee: where are you?

Nunew: I'm at the movies with Nat and yim.

Zee: ok well I got some good news , I got a hold of poppy's phone and deleted that video and I'm fine signing the papers.

Nunew: that's a relief, I'm glad you deleted the video. I'll be home soon.

Zee: kk , see you soon then.

Nat: who are you texting?

Nunew: uhh no one , just a classmate I'm doing a project with. Nunew says quickly putting his phone away.

Nat nods and they continue watching the movie. After the movies nunew goes back to zee's house.

He walks in and hugs zee. Zee hugs him back and kisses him.

Zee: I missed you.

Nunew: I missed you to. They both smile at each other.

Zee: are you hungry?

Nunew: krub. ( Krub means yes ).

Zee smiles and takes nunews hand and leads him into the kitchen. Zee has already cooked dinner.

Nunew: did you make all this?

Zee: krub.

Nunew: it looks so good and smells good.

They sit down and start eating the dinner that zee made for them.

Zee: how is it?

Nunew: it's delicious. Nunew says smiling.

Zee smiles and takes a bite of his food.

They look into each other's eyes. Zee then holds nunews hands from across the table.

Zee: I love you.

Nunew: I love you to.

Time skip to 1 year later......

Nunew finished his college and moved in with zee. Nat and yim know about nunew and zee. Nunew told them a little after college. They was shocked at first but was happy for them.

Nunew broke all contact with his parents completely. He was much happier now.




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