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                            - 𝗠𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗮 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗼𝗻 -

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    - 𝗠𝗶𝘆𝗮𝗻𝗮 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗼𝗻 -

I looked up from my phone into the Mirror to see Dolly and this New girl name Cherry Looking at me. Ever since I got shot, Dolly been acting very weird towards me lately, I had one girl come up to me saying that Dolly was going around saying I fucked Sha and A whole lot of shit, I been Ignoring it because at the end of the day I come here to make my bread and clock out, I do not have the time be arguing with a bad botched body hoe, I got a sister and Abeula to worry about not her.

''She look like the type'' Cherry said staring me up and down.

''Is there a Problem'' I said loud enough so her and Dolly could hear and they both got quiet and looked at me.

''Nawl it ain't no problem, it's just a problem that you out her fucking bitches nigga's'' Cherry said smacking on her gum.

''whatchu talm bout''

"Be honest..did you fuck Ek and if you did you Dayroom asl knowing he got a whole girlfriend" Cherry said.

"I never fucked that nigga a day in my life and Dolly why you going around telling bitches I fucked Sha" I asked.

"I mean.."

"Look listen ion even care whatchu got to say..do you wanna fight" I asked and Cherry looked over at Dolly.

"See you doing the most"

"Nawl bitch you doing the most by running yo fucking mouth about me, I been letting you play dirty with my name for the last couple of weeks now so either you gon get in the field or stop mentioning me" I said and everybody in the room stared.

"You go" Cherry chuckled looking over at Dolly.

"I'm not finna fight this little ass girl, I got money that need to be made" she walked out along with cherry. scary ass hoe, I sat down to see my phone was ringing I picked it up to see it Mrs Mary. That's weird she never really calls me unless it's about granny which is rare, I picked up my phone and answered it.


"MIYANA OH MY LORD" she yelled and I sat up quickly, she sound like she was crying.

"Mrs.Mary what's going on" I asked.

"YOUR GRANDMOTHER.., MIYANA PLEASE COME" she yelled, I quickly hung up and threw on my Grey joggers along with my jacket and headed out.

"You can't leave, you finna go on in a minute miss girl" Cherry yelled, I ignored her and ran fast as I can home, I almost got hit by a couple of cars but I didn't care because the only thing that was on my Mind was my Granny..

I finally arrive to see ambulances and people standing her looking, I ran into the building and into my apartment to see the paramedics throwing a blanket over my Granny's dead body, When I tell you I almost dropped dead..I almost did, I tried running to her but Mrs.Mary pulled me into a hug, I just felled down to my knees crying.

"I'm so sorry Miyana..I'm so sorry" She said holding me tighter, I felt like I couldn't Breath...like I really just lost my whole heart.



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- "𝙆𝙖𝙮 𝙆𝙖𝙮" -

"Aye Ya'll" Chii said passing me the Blunt.

"What" Me and Dougie asked.

"Do y'all really think Tupac in Cuba" He asked and me and dougie laughed.

"Yeah yo ass definitely ain't getting this blunt back" I said taking puffs and passing it to dougie.

"KAY KAY" Aniyla yelled busting in my room with her friend and dougie hurried and put the blunt out.

"Do you not know how to fucking knock" I mugged at her.

"Shut up before I tell mama you smoking in her house with these dirty lil boys" She mugged dougie and chii.

"I'm so glad ain't got no lil sister" Chii said.

"Nobody asked...anyways me and Milani hungry and it's not nothing in there to eat" She groaned.

"Y'all better eat sum bread or sum" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"You sounding just like mama but foreal Kay"

"I'm deadass too, Go ask yo bum ass sister" I said.

"She sleeping.."

"Wake her up then now get out" I said.

"Ugly ass, I should cut yo hair off while you sleep" She said.

"And that's the day you gon see my dead opps" I said causing dougie and Chii to laugh.

"You need it done" she said.

"You ain't lying" I said looking in the mirror messing with my hair.I do need my shit done, usually I'll let Kaila do it but me and her ain't on speaking terms right now, i lowkey wanna learn how to do my own shit but ain got the patience.

"uh..my sister knows how to do hair" Milani said shyly.

"Like twists n shit" I asked and she nodded.

"I can give you her number" She said and I smiled, that's even better than the IG.

"Hell yeah" I unlocked my phone and handed it to her.

"Just don't be on no weird stuff" She chuckled handing me my phone back.

"Most definitely ain't" I said.

"Mhm" she said.

"Anyways let's go ask my FAVORITE HARD WORKING sibling" Aniyla said grabbing Milani hand walking out, sometimes I wish my could've popped a Plan B with her.

"Come back and shut my door" I yelled.

"No!" I rolled my eyes and got up and shut it.

"That's ole girl that got shot sister" Dougie asked.


"Damn they look just alike..Speaking of her, why was  the ambulance at her house" Dougie asked.


"Yeah, hell of em"

"Ion know"

I looked at the number and decided to text her.


Yo you good ?

damn Hopefully shawty good.

(Short ikkk 🙄 , next chapter finna eat tho )
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