SMG4: goodbye, SMG4 (my version 13+)

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The roof of princess peach's castle. We see mario and smg4 looking at the horizon sharing their final moments together as friends.

Smg4:I'm... I'm going to miss this place...

Mario just lowers his head, trying his hardest to hold back his tears, he's already sad enough with what happened not too long ago with meggy dying in his arms, that already broke his heart. Smg4 was his longtime friend, they may have been in fights with each other many times, but deep inside, mario cares about everyone he knows and loves. Especially meggy, Luigi and smg4. Luigi was his brother, they may have disagree with each other time and time again, but at the end of the day, they love each other. Smg4 was his friend for a long time, having fun whenever X holds a WOTFI, had fun with the adventures they shared together, mario couldn't ask for a better friend. Meggy was more than a friend to him, he loved her, all he wanted to do is tell her how he feels about her, but with what just happened, he may never been able to tell her that he loves her, just seeing her die before in his arms, already traumatized him. He doesn't want to lose his longtime friend, but lawyer Kong has made miamoto sign a super DMCA, and wants smg4 to stop by existing.

Smg4:heh... Remember the time we had that chain chomp chase after us.

Mario just looks away with a sadder expression.

Smg4:or that time you got your pingas stuck in a door.

Mario's lip started to tremble as he started to remember the good times he had with his friends.

Smg4:or the time we had to fight a cosmic eldtrich monster.

Mario couldn't take the pain any longer, he didn't hesitate to hug his longtime friend.. sobbing in the process.


Smg4 knew how damaged mario is, he hugged him back in response. When all of a sudden, lawyer Kong gave smg4 a *ahem* telling him that time is up, it's time that he dies along with the others.

Smg4:mario... it's time for me to go...

Smg4 got up and walked to lawyer Kong and stops for a moment.

Mario:N-NO! WAIT! SMG4!

Smg4 thinks about something for a moment until he spoke up...

Smg4:can I... make one final goodbye.

Lawyer Kong:... very well

Smg4 breaks the forth wall completely, as if he's talking to an audience.

Smg4:hey guys... Thanks for watching SMG4 for so long.

He looks down knowing that his last word is going to kill him instantly.

Smg4: goodbye.

As soon as smg4 says his last words, he collapsed on the ground, soulless. Mario was no longer the same after losing not only his crush, but his longtime friend. Mario was forced back to Nintendo to make games with them. Mario refuses to cooperate with miamoto after what he did. When they had a game made, mario would try to attempt suicide again and again, but nothing worked to end the plumber's life. This only frustrated miamoto more, comparing mario to that of a angsty teenager. When miamoto went to take a break, mario decided to go to the bathroom and cry in there. He wasn't the same dumbass plumber eating spaghetti constantly, he was now a depressed plumber who thought he lost everything, he thought of so many memories of his friends, especially meggy, he thought about her a lot, everyday and night, 24/7. He imagined a future with him and her married with kids, he dreamed about her every time he goes to sleep, he imagined him on many dates and adventures with her. But now that the DMCA has been signed, he would never be able to see her ever again. He just sobs the pain. He would hallucinate him and meggy dancing together while on set.

Mario:*sobbing* why am I always so stupid! I've lost everything.

Mario wishes that he went back in time and prevent lawyer Kong from smacking the parody contract off Meggy's hands, but he knows that time travel doesn't exist. He keeps sobbing, thinking on what he should do. He took his hat off, not knowing that there was a parody contract in there.

Mario:I don't want to live anymore, I can't take it anymore.

Mario starts grabbing a rope and started to hang ending his life. Phoenix wright heard all of what his problems due to them being next to each other in the bathroom and is worried for him. Phoenix finished using the toilet, he decided to check in on mario.

Phoenix:mario, are you alright in there?

No response

Phoenix: mario if you don't open up this instant, I'll have to bust in there.

Still no response. Phoenix grew inpatient, so he broke the door down only to see a corpse of the once Italian plumber.

Phoenix:*gasps* oh god.

Phoenix notices a piece of paper under his hat. He takes the paper out and was shocked that what he was holding was a parody contract, mario could've sort the whole lawsuit problem with that, but with him gone, phoenix has to solve this himself. He eventually got it sorted, but as soon as it was over, he noticed a concerned meggy.

Meggy: Mr phoenix, I appreciate you helping out with this and all but do you know where red is.

Phoenix knew that what he was about to say, would break her.

Phoenix:I am sorry ma'am, but your friend, has committed suicide.

Meggy:N-NO! Your lying!!

Phoenix: I'm sorry but it's not a lie, I wish it was a lie, I really wish it was a lie.


Phoenix didn't want any further confrontation, so he tells her where he was last seen.

Meggy: thank you.

Phoenix: don't say I didn't warn you.

Meggy runs to the Nintendo headquarters and rushes in the bathroom and opens the door the he was in and what she saw was something she never wanted to see

Meggy runs to the Nintendo headquarters and rushes in the bathroom and opens the door the he was in and what she saw was something she never wanted to see

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meggy cuted the rope and held the once cheerful and happy plumber. She cried on his shoulder.

Meggy:*sobbing*please... please let this all be a dream...let this all be a dream.

She sobbed the entire day, holding onto her crush, she wanted to tell him that she loves him, but that day will never come.

Hey Pisano's, this idea came to my head after I saw the new smg4 video.

SMG4: goodbye, SMG4 (my version 13+)Where stories live. Discover now