Love thy neighbor

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"I have found the one whom my soul loves"

Song of Solomon 3:4

It was a regular, chilly, fall Sunday. Ned had just arrived home after a wonderful church service, deciding all he wanted was a calm day off after a long week...

"Dad!! The neighbors ruined our plants again!"

Flanders sighed, that was the 3rd time that year the Simpsons had destroyed his beloved, near blooming, petunias in some sort of comical fashion, while he usually wouldn't mind if Homer hadn't already destroyed decorations recently put up for the holidays. Not to mention all the seeds had been used.

Knocking on the door, he prepared for the upcoming confrontation. Truly, he did not like it in any way. However, with the Simpsons, it seems like they never learn from previous blunders, no matter the situation. Unfortunately, Homer was the one to open the door, already looking annoyed.

"Hi diddly-ho neighborino!! I noticed that maybe one of your kids had trampled my petunias!"

"Okay? What do you want me to do about some dumb plants,"

"Well, I'd just appreciate it if you could tell them not to! They seem to be doing it an awful lot!"

"Like I'd discipline them for kicking some flowers" Homer so snarky replied, Ned couldn't help noticing some petals on his pants.

Then the door slammed in front of him, hearing a snicker from Homer as he stomped back to his couch. What luck that was, he felt the rare anger surfacing heading back to his house.

Flanders was off to the store. Uncharacteristically, he couldn't bounce back from his sour attitude. It wasn't the most agrigous thing the man has done for sure, but boy it had him peeved off. Crouched over his shopping cart he thought, and thought hard. Thoughts of all his neighbors' wrong doings flooded his mind as he simultaneously scrounged for reasons to defend his irresponsible friend. Homer was a weaponized unintelligence incarnate, Lord knows he tries his very best to put up with him. Years of going out of his way to be a kind neighbor clearly was not earning him any favors, not that it would be wise to expect that out of anybody, but the donut-loving man was really starting to get on his nerves.

Fear flashed in his heart, how could he be losing grasp of the lord's teachings? Sure, his friend was overly rude and mocked him relentlessly, whether it be his attitude or strong faith, there was something to ridicule. Ned was not blind to it, but the lord wouldn't want him to hold malice in his heart, right?

Lost in the sea of his thoughts, he was not paying attention to his surroundings. A collision of carts then took place. The startled and embarrassed Flanders began frantically apologizing to the stranger he collided with.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry! I was so caught up in my head and-" Ned glanced up and saw the familiar disinterested face of the Reverend.

"Oh well! Howdy there Reverend! Didn't expect ya to be here! What are you up to?" Ned lit up like a Christmas tree, he was just the person he needed to see! Christmas

"Doing what I assume you're doing, shopping for my groceries" The reverend's dry voice mumbled, what a jokester he was.

"Haha! I'd have to assume so, but actually I'm here to buy some seeds! I've recently taken up the hobby of gardening, and oh boy is it-" Flanders went on in his usual tangents, just happy to see a friend to talk to. However, Lovejoy was having none of it, sighing as he backed up to leave.

Flanders took notice and knew he had to act fast.

"Wait! I actually need your help, reverend, I have a question-"

"Did one of your kids say a swear word again, remember that they are still young and are easily tempted to say those kinds of things..."

"No! I... I feel like I'm questioning the Lord too much in my mind, and as if I'm violating Matthew 19:19..." His voice was frantic, he really needed his advice now, how could he question the almighty Lord?


"Love thy neighbor! Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. I just feel as if I can't do it Reverend! No matter how hard I try they always disregard me and mock me, what do I do?" Ned raised his voice just slightly, but enough to startle Lovejoy. Seeing him taken aback made it clear he'd had to take it down a notch, but he just felt so helpless.

"I just, really want to follow the rules exactly, I don't wish to disappoint God," Ned looked down at the ground, ashamed. He brought this on so suddenly on Love joy, then again when has he hadn't.

Lovejoy stared at him for a moment, Ned expected one of his usually dry responses. Instead, the reverend walks over and puts his hand on Ned's shoulder.

"I know you're under a lot of stress, Ned, you work hard on being a neighbor to everyone, but being kind to everyone isn't always easy and will be hard for even the highest saints," Lovejoy looked at him with his black doe eyes, giving a sympathetic look that looked genuine.

"Despite how I may act sometimes, I do admire your efforts. That being said, you shouldn't be so stressed. God is extremely forgiving. After all, we are just humans. Loving your neighbors is simply showing respect to them. We truly can't love everybody, Flanders", Lovejoy then gave him a slight smile.

Flanders looked up at the Reverend with such admiration. He always loved to hear what he had to say but this time was different. The way Lovejoy looked at him, and comforted Ned with his touch. Ned never noticed how nice he looks outside of church. He felt a flutter in his heart and could have sworn a blush was forming. Lovejoy never showed affection like this before, he could have melted right there and then if the Reverend didn't back away.

"Remember Ned, you can always call me if your having trouble,"

"G-got it Reverend! Thank you for the help... I think I really needed to hear that"

"It's no trouble Ned, I'll see you this Sunday alright?"

"Okily dokily! Toodles Reverend..."

Ned waved goodbye and the tired Reverend went on his way. Ned went on with his search for seeds, having the sensation of Lovejoy's hand still on his shoulder.

While finishing up his shopping, a big smile was plastered on his face, along with a warm feeling. What a lovely feeling the Reverend brought to him! He drove back home feeling like his old self again.

"Hey dad! You look happier! What happened?" His eldest son asked

"Oh nothing son, I just had to blow off some steam, that's all!"

A pang of longing then suddenly settled in his chest, while he didn't know what exactly it was, Ned could not wait for Next Sunday.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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God's Blessings: Ned Flanders x Timothy Lovejoy Where stories live. Discover now